Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Mardi Gras happens the same time every year, the two weeks up to pancake Tuesday

They’re a bit like 3rd party car insurance


February 25th this year.

Did you see spring break and the shenanigans mate?

Seems a year ago.

The shit will start hitting the fan here when health workers start dying, and given that a quarter of people testing positive here are health workers, it’s going to happen.

Anyone have the Italian, Spanish & US figures for today?

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Spain’s Deaths surpassed Italys today. Scary thought.

There’s a separate thread for this

The post quite clearly references Ireland.

Your post doesn’t even reference COVID-19.

Could you take it to a separate thread?



I thought the Nordic model was the one to follow? Are the Swedes way out on a limb here?
Roughly twice the population of Ireland, 2840 cases, 77 deaths. Schools, bars, restaurants, ski slopes all open. Johann Carlson, head of public health “we cannot take draconian measures that have a limited impact on the epidemic, but knock out the functions of society”. Imagine if Boris or Trump said that?


He’s apparently the real deal.

Oxford, Harvard, Goldman, then is father in law’s company which interestingly didn’t last long. He was well regarded in the City when he worked there though. He stands out in the cabinet simply for having had a proper fucking job. They are the biggest shower of utter cunts you could ever encounter by and large, and by and large thick with it. I despise them with every fibre.
The only thing that remains to be seen is whether he is simply, like all Boris appointments, a Cummings yes man.

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Thought they were locking Stockholm down now?

I suppose you’d prefer a Lib Dem with a kind face.

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