Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Sure he was on moaning about having to hide away from his child to get a bit of headspace (something I can completely relate to with a 15 month old myself). Surely doing the “family shop” but leaving the young lad at home “to follow best practise” would be a great way to get out of the house on his own for an hour or two.

I’m sure he’s figured this all out though and will use these latest ads to his personal advantage

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And he living across the road from a SuperValu

I have wrestled with my conscience on this and deemed my family situation as VULNERABLE. One big shop delivery and one medium shop in person per week - Mondays and Fridays.


Pretend patriots

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Is it genuine or a piss take?

Rural Ireland is quite terrifying really.

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Okay guys, this is a very stressful time for all. Can we all gang up on @Thomas_Brady again please? I don’t like it when I’m under siege.


That’s 100% Limerick city.

Unless of course by rural you mean anything beyond the M50.

That’s Limrick ciddy kid

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Clearly beyond the M50.


You wouldn’t last 2 minutes outside the pale

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You’d be surprised - I’m quite adaptable

Is it a piss take?

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Come out of your castle then

Who would have guessed Russian “aid” to Italy would be useless?

You slate me for walking the dog in isolated space, shouting at me to stay in - but you also wanted me to go out and do shop in a crowded space? :man_shrugging:

Will you go way. You wouldnt be able to finish saying goooys and you’d have your dubes robbed off you and 50 balls leathered at you