Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Donā€™t resort to easy cliches now - itā€™s beneath you.

Youā€™re wearing them now arenā€™t you

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Iā€™m putting some masking tape over my laptop camera immediately.


Iā€™m guessing a Mercedes C Claas Coupe, back window is making me say coupe style plus rear middle armrest means it probably a poxy 4 seater.

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Breaking: Boris Johnson has Covid-19.

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A great day for ex-poster Sid, who will be delighted at this news

Herd Immunity Herd Immunity


He jumped the queue for a test, the scumbag.


Have ye come up with a vaccine yet?

Cummings strategy working well, all the top gaffers have it Prince Charles, they will lead the PR drive next week


Thatā€™ll give him another boost in the polls

All these high profile cases are being given access to tests. A fair few seem to never have symptoms. It must be everywhere

We are further in to this than we think. Iā€™m convinced of it

Its hard to know what to think. Itā€™s such a complex system. The mortality rates in Italy and Spain seem way off everywhere else.

The fact that the virus kills some people and some people get no symptoms is hard to understand. There was some stuff about blood groups before but heard no more about it.

The pub owner referenced in it towards the end, his missus would be an RTE correspondent would she not?

The mrs got a text there ā€“ she was supposed to have a face time coffee catch up with lady friend that had a kid at the same time as us ā€¦ your wan cancelled - her own grand mother and uncle who lives with grand mother have been hospitalized with it and the uncle put into a coma. The lady in question lives with her mother in law as they are saving for a gaff and now she has symptoms also.

Itā€™s the first case iā€™ve heard of concerning someone I know (ish)ā€¦

surely weā€™d all have heard of many cases if we were further along ā€¦ How many here know of people with strict symptoms or confirmed?

Iā€™m only after hearing this minute the wifeā€™s uncle in law is being tested. They live in Spain but had come home out of it a week or so ago when this was kicking off.
He has symptoms now, so is on the list. Isnā€™t that old, early sixties but wouldnā€™t be a fit man and a heavy pipe smoker so Iā€™d worried for him if he has it.

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A clientā€™s 2 kids had it. They are being kept in their bedroom for 2 weeks. Tough. 11 and 6.

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Thatā€™s tough going for allā€¦

Is it? Iā€™d happily lock my 3 year old in her bedroom for 14 days at this stage.