Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

It looks like Ryan Tubridy has it. Miriam O’Callaghan to present the next LLS. Big chance for her.

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How far do “we think” we are into it?

I would assume the real prevalence of the virus is minimum ten times the published figures, it could possibly be 100 times the published figures.

If 100 times the published figures in the UK have had it, that means 1 million in a population of 66 million. That’s still not very much in the grand scheme of things.

Fresh talent


But if we are at 100 times then the peak will be a lot sooner than currently expected and the likes of Spain are at the worst of it now.

Still a long way to go here alright.

But sure who knows. We’ll start to have results from the anti bodies testing next week hopefully

The sis in law now reckons her and the hubby had it last November — How it stayed away from the elderly and didnt kill anyone till late March is a miracle.

I think I got it back in 2008.

Maybe it started in Cork and some langer brought it to China. Deviants in Cork probably riding hedgehogs or something


Has to be it — 100% actually.

The English market ground zero — that fish bastard shaking hands with the queen then chopping up live eels. The mix of tan germs and toxins from the Lee.


Here we have her - The Super Spreader.


Maybe it’s actually thriving in warmer weather :man_shrugging:

Ah stop — shur half of Europe got it skiing … But with all these rich and famous people getting it, the theory of alien lizards ruling the earth in disguise doesnt seem so odd now. Very few regular people are getting it…

Very few getting seriously sick perhaps. Still super spreaders.

I know of 2. Heard about both this morning. One in Ireland other in London. Both critical

Fuck. Sorry to hear that.

In the same way we have exit polls for elections, why not test of a representative sample of, say, 5,000 people, both diagnostic to check if they have it now and serological, ie. retrospective, to see if they’ve had it?

If we actually want to have an idea of how prevalent this thing really is in the population, like.

6273 new cases and 493 new deaths in Spain

Fuuuuuck. That’s massive.

It’s massive but a significant reduction on numbers from the last few days.

I think there’s only been 2 days in the last 2 weeks where the numbers have dipped from the previous day’s numbers - but the last 4/5 days have been all huge numbers.

For deaths yes … hopefully it continues — they are near 5k dead in a matter of a couple of weeks.