Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Nobody says the US doesn’t have excellent healthcare facilities.

How they’re administered and the access to them is what people rightly complain bitterly about.

I think we will be saved by our population density. In total 45 per square Mile and 20 in Rural areas particularly in the west. Dublin is the obvious outlier though and propensity of people living and working in Dublin returning home to their parents house to read the Sunday Independent and have sunday roast is not really a runner anymore.

Contrast this with UK who have over 260 per sq MIle or Holland with over 300. I think any curve or modelling comparison has to bare those facts in mind. US by Conparison have roughly 60 per square mile. So while New York has become a hotspot for the Virus, other states like New Mexico, Arizona, Utah do have natural advantages to prevent spread by having a kind of default social distancing in place already.


North Dakota would be a safe place to be right now.

Correct, and the number of people travelling to and from areas that had high levels of infection before any restrictions were put in place, from Italy to wherever in Ireland, China to New York, San Fran, London, etc.

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When was the first case of this thing? The mrs is arguing with the sister who claims to have had it in November, the sis is saying the first case was in September :smiley:…

The first case is estimated to have been November 17th in Wuhan, from genetic studies.


On a normal weekend no, but when its it’s an extended period where nothing in Dublin is open anyway, I’d say a lot of people went home

Sure does it really matter or is this sis trying to argue that because she already had the virus, she is safe to go where she wants?

I don’t see any connection here mate. Anti one doesn’t mean pro another. I suppose it’s a difficult concept for Tyrone.


The notion that the virus got to Italy and started infecting people before the US is a bizarre one. The explanation given for Italy is the number of Chinese workers in the textile industry around Milan, and travel back and forth before and during Chinese New Year. Italy’s surge starting in early March was likely due to rapid community spread for reasons already discussed.

There are half a million Chinese Americans in New York and it’s one of the most popular cities for Chinese tourists in the world. Same for San Fran bay area, massive numbers. You are talking tens of thousands of travelers from China to the US per day, up to the travel ban Feb 3. It’s frightening what the surge numbers would be like if the travel ban wasn’t put in place.

The differences between Italy/Spain and other countries I would say has mostly to do with the people getting infected. If you are old and have heart disease and/or diabetes, this is devastating illness with high fatality. It’s also a new virus so we have zero immunity against it, or at least that’s the way it seems. Why some young people are getting really sick but most are not is unknown as yet, probably how active their immune system is.

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We will be mate. We’ll be ok.

Am I correct? cc @ciarancareyshurlingarmy

You spent all your time bemoaning Corbyn and you got Boris.

Corbyn always has been a good man with the interest of citizens at the forefront.

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I don’t know. You are the forum expert on recognising cars. Surprised to see you even asking for confirmation actually.

As long as they’re not Jewish

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Max hospital /ICU load is currently predicted at late may on the mainland fwiw.
If anyone is interested I can pm or ragget the current survival predictions if you end up with the disease and present to hospital. Someone sent it to me.

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No, just Zionist.

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The sneak peek via video reveals very little bar Beige Leather. Is he gay btw?


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