Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Wrong thread, but worthwhile I think. The Imperial College have lowered their estimate from 250K deaths in the UK to 20K.

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There is no retest to say that its psssed

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Welcome to last week

Thanks mate. We will get it. Just have to hope we are lucky and it’s mild. Such is life.


Fair play to her. Don’t under sell yourself though, the girls in Greggs need your custom now more than ever as well

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They’ve closed :slightly_frowning_face:

Hope your mrs is coping well flatty.

Not really. Put down a few bad days, incl one night where a struggle to catch his breath. But no worse than a bad flu. He was probably lucky

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Where are you getting your overpriced coffee from so?

From my rudimentary understanding of it, for most people there’s a three day spike and then it passes away - unless you get to critical stage obviously.

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Ah she is one of the calmest and kindest people you’d ever meet really, but she’s worried. She’s highly skilled and trained, and having to expand her role way beyond that. She has been given thus far, one face mask.


They’re some jokers

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Is beige leather in a car considered gay?

You’d find better mathematical modelers on TFK.


He was on TFK before wasn’t he?

1-0 Oxford


It’s more like a Cambridge Oxford Varsity match that’ll end 0-0.