Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

You donā€™t cancel press conferences when things are going well.

and if he is?

Youā€™d find better advice on tfk than most places on most topics, genuinely.

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Depends what colour it started out.

Got more on this -The Uncle is only 41, no underlying conditions but was over weight - the grandmother is 70 and is doing better.

I was listening to a bit of Joe Duffy there. Started off with a poor man who lost his father yesterday. He canā€™t bury him until after a test is carried out as he had all the symptoms.
A few minutes later two new dads came on giving out yards because the hospital(s) involved had invoked a policy of not allowing anybody in either to attend the birth or visit their partner and child and would have to wait until theyre released. Giving it gusto because it is not the policy in every maternity hospital. I wouldnā€™t call them cunts but felt that their argument was very weak.
I really felt like ringing g in and asking them what would they prefer, waiting around d for days until the corpse of their loved one is released to them for burial in front of a handful of people, or having to wait a few days to welcome home your partner and new son or daughter. I know which Iā€™d prefer to be doing.
Some people still donā€™t get it.


Duffy is a cunt to even entertain that bull shit. The media are disgracing themselves by and large during this crisis. Itā€™s time everyone pulled in together.


Been a bit under the weather of late, only catching up. Is sid @Dziekanowski?

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According to the logic of some posters, Cuomo has made a balls of this pandemic. Heā€™s had a decade as governor to prepare for it.

He hasnā€™t, considering the scale of the outbreak NYC are doing a commendable job taking care of the sick.

He is, but I donā€™t think heā€™s admitted it to himself


Have world figures jumped 100K in 24 hours?

Confirmed cases?

Will we get anymore locked down lads do ye reckon?

Heā€™s made a balls of it according to yours alright. :grin:

The tone in which you post is such a giveaway. Youā€™re genuinely hurt and seething that youā€™re being ridiculed by more knowledgable posters.

Gregory McCartan just stumbled down the road past my house there.

Half day Fridays

If ICU gets overloaded then I would say yes.