Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

What’s the story with flights into the country? Have they all stopped or what?

George was fumbling badly over his numbers before that press conference. He’s a beaten docket.

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This is crazy shit really . Our kids and grand kids will have to write essays on this in years to come, amazed and proud of what we went through . The sacrifices we made. The pain we suffered.
When in reality all we did was ball hop a few Galway lads that Callanan is better than Joe and we called @TheUlteriorMotive a cunt loads of times.


Cunt was ating away whilst his comrades starved to death

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What’s the story with building sites ?

That’s all he had to shit on.

He’s a brilliant broadcaster.


Even in a time of crisis Joe Canning is there for us


Tony Hoolahoop looks a lot more composed now in his media briefings than he did at the start.

It’ll be mayhem in the shops tomorrow. The hoarding will be off the chain.

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Staying in for 2 weeks watching netflix


The Blueshirts’ communications team have done a fine job with him

He;s a national treasure. They need to knock down the spire and erect a statue to Dr O Hula-Hoop now instead

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Dobbo’s calm authority would remind you of peak Des Lynam.


Atin cakes and drinking beer.

I bet dev and collins had similar arguments before the treaty

For about 3 days.

Walter Kronkite was the most trusted man in America. That’s Dobbo.

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The idiots, don’t they realise they’re still gonna be able to shop :rollseyes:

Dr. Tony the only one in that presser giving us any hope. An enormously impressive man.