Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Italy made a dogs dinner of their response. The original lockdown of the north was leaked in papers resulting in thousands fleeing south and bringing to virus with them.

What is happening in Italy is a consequence of what happened the health service two or three weeks ago, not what has happened since.

I’m still hopeful that we reacted early enough and in another week our curve will look reasonably good.


How long will these restrictions continue? Could be late May, 8 to 10 weeks.

2km from house and exercise once a day a lot will be thinking this changes nothing and still be out and about the whole time

What kind of people do that? Thank God we are sound for the most part.

What I don’t understand is the following. This state has had 22 deaths so far and I think it’s 10 in the North? So one for every county effectively.

Yet we have heard no personal stories about any of those who died. They’ve just been reported as numbers, with the barest of information added, “a man in the east of the country” etc. There are no faces, no names, nothing to recognise the fact that every one of them was a grandfather or grandmother or father or mother or brother or sister or son or daughter.

If you want to make people sit up and take notice and adhere to rules or change their behaviour, personal stories people can identify with are the best way. And it’s not as if GDPR is a problem, loads of people have already been on Twitter to try and put a name or a face or a story to their loved ones who have died of this disease, because they don’t want to remember their loved ones as just numbers.

The British media is doing the same thing - every victim is a mere number. Numbers don’t make people sit up and take notice. There’s nothing to identify with.

Of course the news doesn’t report on every death that happens each day, but we as a nation have made a conscious decision that this disease is an existential threat to our lives. So why are we not hearing about people who have fallen victim - to remind everybody what a threat it is?

And it’s not as if personal stories would panic any people any more than they are already panicked - RTE is already showing what’s happening in Italian and Spanish emergency rooms, and they did again tonight.


It’s all about focusing mindsets.

Sorry i get you. If that was strictly adhered too maybe but there’ll be cunts going all over claiming they are two km from home. We love to talk about how hi tech we are, why not use apps to track people, give passes for shopping etc

It will take as long as it takes. They’ll only review it at Easter.

I think everyone is taking notice and have been taking notice for a while.

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I had tommorw penciled in to go get dog food from the vet. He’s about 2.5k down the road…

A National ID card is a fomality after this whatever else

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brian there is no data at all to support what we are doing - we are merely embarking on what seems like the right thing to do based on a few models that were proposed - they’re huge calls
i liked this model where the rate if infection was graphed using an exponential function - however the data is a fucntion of your testing rate that i dont think is weighted here
our curve is flatter than that now - but again - skewed by testing rates

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A better way to suffocate

Mrs Hunt included 6 (six) bottles of wine on the shopping list earlier this evening. I scoffed and she said she’d already transferred 50 snots to my account. She’s obviously itk.

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If everybody was taking notice in the way that is needed, the measures announced tonight would not be necessary.

And obligation to carry. Common in plenty of places.

The reality remains the same… most of us get it or we find a cure first.

From now on anyone you see out jogging, shoot on sight. Thats the subtext I understood from Leo there

Peak is mid May…few weeks after that before we know the worst has passed

That 2km rule isnt enforceable.