Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Wtf is this?

One last hurrah

Wasnt same lockdown here but there was a similar fleeing to coastal holiday homes over past few weeks

Does this apply to the travelling community or are they exempt?

agreed so right now we are just merely slowing the infection rate to prevent the health system from crash
if the infection rate is over a longer period im assuming the death rate would reduce,
id love to be able to quantify that actually - the longer this draws out how does the death rate behave,

lets work on that

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Inspirational stuff. Ah itā€™s from September!

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Have to be exempt if theyre travelling.

Thatā€™s all itā€™s about. Slowing itā€¦ Not avoiding it.

Iā€™d rather get it now than a months time to be honest. No point delaying the inevitable.

All this backslapping on rte is starting to give me a pain in the hole (even though I technically donā€™t have one at the moment) A phantom pain in the hole


The daughter of one of the 10 in NI was in all the media over the past few days talking about her mother for that very reason, she wanted her to be remembered for who she was rather than a statistic. She was a woman in very poor health for some time.
An interesting piece on the news here this evening was that some boffins estimate that of the total number predicted to die from this scourge in the UK over the coming months, between 50-66% would have died this year anyway even without the virus.

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Way to miss the point

Off to Netflix I go

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I havent read the last 500 posts here, mate.

Same auld shite.

Weā€™ll Ham it up to fuck

My iptv guy uploaded a load of porn there on vod during the week.

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Iā€™d be highly sceptical of stuff like that, it strikes me as a thin end of the wedge Trump type narrative to encourage ā€œopening upā€ again even if lots of people are still dying from the disease.

Stop being a gimp and put on your green jersey

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:joy:i would have preferred to have given that a funny in the old days

I have The 4 of Us booked for your birthday
Cc @flattythehurdler

Cc @backinatracksuit the Frankā€™s played Cillian M 40th last year

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Spin at itā€™s very worst.

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