Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

This is going to run on until thereā€™s vaccine or herd immunity kicks in. Hysteria isnt doing anyone any favours in my view.

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@anon78624367 is probably swimming across to some uninhabited island off the west coast of Ireland as we speak.

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Your complacancy will get people you love killed

Heā€™s right, but the poor state of our health service is the bad variable here

Iā€™d love to live on the Blaskets

I didnā€™t go to cheltenham and bring the virus home.

Iā€™d lay low after this mate, thereā€™ll be a lot of anger facing in your direction.


Iā€™m self isolating mate - I think the consequences of this lockdown will be more damaging than the virus itself. The elderly and people with underlying health issues absolutely should, but - for the rest of its a bit of flu and the consequences of a lockdown could be hugely damaging and in some cases irreversable.

Small and medium sized businesses will go to the wall.

Nicely put on the comments on the journal.

ā€œPeople have two choices, stay 6 feet apart or go 6 foot underā€


RTE between election and current pandemic has just descended into one carry on current affairs programme mixed in with a condescending tone of preaching to everyone. Itā€™s getting tired very quickly.


My aul lad is 85. According to the stats he has no life expectancy. Heā€™d beg to differ.

At 8.15 I spoke to my mother who is 83. We planned to meet up on Sunday in a park as my young lad and one of her only two grandkids (both my kids) is 9. She called me back at 9.15 to tell me to tell the the young lad she canā€™t now come but she has his present and will give it to him when this is all over. That generation sense of self sacrifice and concern for their family is something to behold.

Anyway weā€™ll see better days. Anybody who loses somebody during this and cannot have an Irish funeral will bear a huge burden we should not overlook when this ends.


Thereā€™ll be no anger only people looking to blame. Cheltenham was merely a drop in the ocean. If anything it helped matters.

Thereā€™ll be anger and itā€™ll be pointed at selfish cunts

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Thereā€™s an unreal twitter account of a lady who lived on them. Maybe it was Instagram. I think she leaves for the winter. Itā€™s absolutely amazing.

Why is there no advice being given to people on increasing their immune systems?

Yes by idiots though. Any intelligent person knows Cheltenham was merely a drop in the ocean. It literally had no effect at all.

They can and should keep preaching away as far as Iā€™m concerned because thatā€™s what reinforces to people what they need to do.



Those bastards that went to Cheltenham killed us all.


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