Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Very selfish behaviour from the horsey set.

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Case in point. A fella who directly disobeyed the government protocol yesterday is know trying to Blame the Cheltenham people.

Spread it around faster. You want a constant line of people getting sick over the next fews weeks. Not one Big Bang like in Italy. 20k came home from Spain post Cheltenham and still haven’t really effected the numbers yet.

I obeyed my doctor 100% and haven’t been more than 150 yards from my gaff in 2 weeks. The Cheltenham killers can’t say the same.

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I dont mean to generalise but the ones that watch late late are probably the law abiding ones. The ones that may flout the protocols are probably watching Netflix or playing computer games.

Time for SF “foot in mouth” tweet of the night.

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You broke protocol to walk a dog. People that went to Cheltenham didn’t break any protocol or anybody that came home the following weekend from soccer games or holidays. The timing may have been unfortunate but none of them broke the rules. You on other hand boasted about breaking protocol on here.

Chelthenham was a biological bomb, like that one that went off in Bergamo when Atalanta played Valencia in the champions league. They have destroyed the world. Simpleton cunts who did not know any better


Pubs will be closed on Good Friday :see_no_evil:

and hopefully every good Friday from now on

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I’m currently shooting up on heroin and simultaneously nodding away at what Minister Harris says.

Them and those cunting yuppie skiing bastard cunts.

I brought the dog for a shit on the green. Go way you murdering cunt.

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We’ve had no luck since they opened

What would you prefer the broadcast whilst the biggest crisis most of us will ever live through is going on? An oul movie?

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Goldfinger or something

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I’d like Minister Harris to focus on where we will be in four weeks’ time. The 28 Days Later campaign.

You broke protocol. You were told to self isolate and you didn’t. You then started throwing toys at people who didn’t break any protocol. You also claimed I wasn’t in Cheltenham at all two weeks ago. It’s amazing how your minds works. You should be ashamed of yourself for breaking isolation rules and haven’t a leg to stand on when it comes to being angry with anyone.

What opportunities are there in this lockdown world for a day walker such as myself?

You murdered half the country you aids carrying cunt. The Cheltenham set have blood on their hands