Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Its very hard on older people who take such pleasure out of grandkids. We got two of those free an post postcards in the door from my mother today :cry::cry:


Literally none? None?

Jesus Christ that one really hits you in the feels.


So the experts said.

You broke protocol and boasted about it. The People that travelled to Cheltenham did not.


That hit me right in the feels.

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Lovely post @gilgamboa

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Ah shtap. They only live two miles away. Both in ok health but sure who knows whats around the corner.



Does traveling to get green count as an emergency medical trip?


Cheltenham 2020 could prove the biggest Irish catastrophe in Irish history, those plague ridden cunts should have been sent to prison


Horse racing should be boycotted after this is all over.


That’s very touching.

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Id say if you looked at that postcard as a piece of art you would say that the spacing of the words reflects the mood…a misjudging of time and the panic to cram in the last few words before you ran out of space

USA break through 100k mark.

Who is Gemma o’Doherty blaming g for all of this

They are going to get an unmerciful bout of it.

Yet the deaths are still low.

Another of the victims in NI was a 80 year old suffering from dementia in a nursing home, her granddaughter was also in the media. I believe a significant number of victims have been residents in nursing homes where the average stay is around 2 years. In any case it would mean between 33-50% would die well before their time, and 100% without their family around them and with no proper funeral.