Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Congrats you got mauled by the tiger behind it

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This virus coming some soon after the RWC hasn’t been good for Dan


Wow that would be a sight, how is Bondi Junction doing ?

A lot of non-food retail tenancies paying top dollar so that side of things is struggling. The Tea Gardens and Cock & Bull still doing a steady trade.

The Kiwis have this

Everybody is under pressure. Sneering at Italy and France when they are on their knees is Trump type behaviour and pressure is no excuse.

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You’re impressing your own narrative onto one comment. Dont like the guy as much as you want, but maybe hold the ammo for a bit, the deaths will come in due course no doubt.


Will pubs be shutting in Australia?

He was dealing in facts. So far we’re doing ok. He has signalled it will get worse.

Spot on… Lads queuing up to give Leo a kicking… Keep the powder dry for a few weeks and they’ll have plenty to throw at him… But it’s harsh laying in now…

The comment is one of many crass and ignorant comments he has made over the years when he is forced to deviate from a script. He is not entitled to immunity from criticism just because people are dying.

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Jaysus, Does the Cock n Bull still exist?
Bet the Leagues clubs are still full of oldies!

Good man, keep kicking there, we all need to get through this the best way we can.

We are not in the Dail here. Believe it or not Leo can’t hear us and if he could he wouldn’t give a shit.

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He accused French and Italian people of not pulling together. Facts me hole.


Dail or no dail I don’t give a bollix… Leo will always get it because he’s gay, a bit socially awkward and is not your Bertie acting the common man down the pub having a jar… Irish people struggle with that… Like I said you’ll have plenty of opportunity to pin stuff on him when things really start going south in a few weeks …

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After Boris made a move, I’d imagine ScoMo will follow suit on Monday. Get one last weekend out of it, y’know?

Bull tossed and redeveloped in 2019. Still trades under the old moniker to get the paddies in.

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Bertie is a cunt too.