Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

change direction after every 100 laps

I wouldnt do 100 laps of the bed.

I could only ever run if there was a ball put in front of me and even at that it was hit and miss if I thought I couldnā€™t get to it

A bloke in France did one in his apartment . Thatā€™s the kind of spirit the micks need.

Was planning my first spin in about five weeks today and had a lovely route lined up for a birthday treat next week

I drove from Cork to Clonmel this morning. Saw a couple of squad cars driving around but no checkpoints. It was as busy as any other Saturday.

Checkpoint at Ferrycarrig just outside Wexford town at 12.30am last night, according to my sources. Gardai giving out yards to people they stopped.


My understanding is guards have a discretion to arrest anyone on the road without a credible reason.

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Shepherds pie mate. Lech is pisswater. Will have some top shelf tonight.

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Are off licences closed now?

My source was doing an @anon78624367 and fleeing from the city to his bolt hole in rural Wexford so they let him onto his final destination.

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His problem will be if he needs to get back.

Fuck it. I knew I should have cleaned out fine wines

Thereā€™ll be plenty out of date stuff for sale when they reopen.

Nothing new there with Fine Wines


The need for a lockdown highlights how ignorant we are as a species.


When I was in college the Fine Wines near us sold out of date Oranjeboom for 50 cent a can. Was wicked stuff altogether. 10 cans and a naggin of two trees for a 10er. :see_no_evil:

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Donā€™t panic! Donā€™t panic!

Sure they did that to Clare Daly 3 years ago.