Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet


I like draught Okocimā€¦

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I worked there during college I can remember we had devils bit at ā‚¬1 a can 6 months out of date. Regulars lost the plot when it sold out.

Good trick for removing dates on the bottom of cans is to spray it with deodorant and wipe with paper towel.

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Ureich I think was their offering when I started college, 2 slabs for ā‚¬20 or something crazy like that. A can of Ureich was a real struggle of a can.

Wonderful work by an Irish company.


Echo another posterā€™s comments about kids in dangerous situations for the next couple of weeks.

Life is a cunt of a thing for many.

Thatā€™s why I reversed my decision

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I remember that. She won millions over that unlawful arrest didnā€™t she?

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Was it unlawful ?

Wasnā€™t it? It surely had to be, it was a conspiracy


Leo Leo Leo


Leo Leo Leo


This is all the fault of those cunts queuing up outside Leo Burdockā€™s in Howth. That queue should have been a queue for the guillotine.

Now I canā€™t train for the marathon, which was the only thing keeping me sane.


Just back from the butchers in the same centre as Dunnes about 40 in the queue for Dunnes then went to a Eurospar to get fags for myself and cans for the eldest (responsible parenting) fookall in there. Zero :policeman:ā€ā™‚ around and loads of people out walking but not in groups. This thing is unworkable sure anyone can drive any distance if they want.

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I thought it was very noticeable last night that Leo was at pains to point out that it was under Dr Tonyā€™s advice that the measures are being taken. Said it about 7 times in the first 5 minutesā€¦ Itā€™s almost like as the measures have vamped up and the numbers are higher, Leo is distancing himself from thingsā€¦ Of course, youā€™d have to have a level of intelligence to see these things happening.


it isnā€™t mate. Itā€™s the virus fault.
We were always going to get to this point.

This is a cowardly response, the war isnā€™t even beginning and youā€™re claiming itā€™s over. Man up and face it . The horse season is gone , man up and face it . You remind me of the lads crying in the boat in saving private ryan ,afraid of the gunfire that awaits them once the door opens . Man up ta fuck .help your elderly neighbours. Get your lawnmower fixed and cut their grass . Selfishness is unreal at times ā€¦


Holohan was lying last night too.

He said heā€™s been watching the virus very closely since January, oh really Tony, whereā€™s the PPE, why are we only scaling up ICU now, where were the testing kits and testing plan?

You canā€™t ask that or youā€™ll be told to put on the Green jersey