Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

As I said in the original post she was arrested without a credible reason.

Speaking of the Gardai we really should have got them to coordinate the Corona Virus testing. We’d have a couple of million completed at this stage.


The British media are a bit of a joke for not investigating the meaning of this “deaths in hospitals” and viral pneumonia business but watching the LLS last night, the tone of the Irish media is hardly any better.

You sure?

It’s mid-morning break time (10.30-12.00) Prominent…Yeah at the Maxol deli counter.

Daithi Regan abused two guards in tullamore for walking too close together

Dunnes childers road this morning. No wonder theres a lockdown

I personally thought Leo was emphasising that they are listening to the experts. He isn’t trump trying to claim he knows what’s going on. He’s acting on the advice for the experts. That’s reassuringly for most people in the country I’d have thought.

Beshoff’s FFS sake.

Seems logical now but why weren’t airports closed a month ago?

nobody knows and you can’t ask…

i hope there’s retrospective questioning done after this.

That must have been the reason there was no court case. You probably can’t sue for incredible arrest.

No. But I didn’t see them on the list of essential retailers.

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Carry on, make sure you’ve enough oil & leave the garages alone.

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Across the EU I mean. You can see now that when they announced in Spain that a lockdown was coming, people travelled, left Madrid etc, brining the virus with them.
A dog with a mallet in his arse would have concluded that a full lockdown was the only way. They’re done that in Peru haven’t they ?
As someone pointed out earlier, we can’t be trusted to obey the rules.

Can anyone definitively answer this?

We’re in discussion now here whether we can all walk together or we’ve to go separately (one of us with kiddo)

The worst bit. Lads pinking around with lawnmowers…

we had people coming in from places where there was community transmission, they were given a leaflet and left off about their business, with no recommendation to self isolate, not to mind close the fucking airports lad.

I would also like this answered asap

Stop it.

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WTF have these gimps been at for the past 2 weeks? They’re panicking now?