Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Off licenses are allowed stay open. The 40 cans I bought last night seems a bit rash now


I can confirm that they were also queuing up outside Burdocks in Howth.

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Anybody in Stillorgan or nearby you can order food and groceries on and they will deliver to Kilmacud Crokes car park next day where you can collect it if you want to avoid shops etc or have elderly parents avoiding shops


Updated list on rte website, off license allowed to remain open

All alcohol sales will be banned from next Wednesday.

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Would you not run around in a circle mate


They donā€™t want a riot

an earthquakeā€¦ half the nation will get the DTā€™s on the Saturday, Iā€™d say it would register on the richter scale

They should be reducing the VAT on it or something. Keep the nation docile

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For full disclosure I posted a tweet by Andrew Neil about 10 days or 2 weeks ago.

I now apologise for doing so.

If anything positive comes from this it will be Neilā€™s complete discrediting as a journalist.


lads, there are going to be queues. They are controlling how many people are being left in and out. The queues look longer because people are being kept back 2 metres from the person in front of them.


The queues in Ennis were as bad if not worse

Are people not supposed to shop for food now? The shops are limiting the numbers they are letting in so people are queuing up outside the shops to get in 2 meters apart. Itā€™s the same with every supermarket in the country.


this is the new climate of looking for something to be outraged at.


Those queues were same last week in Dunnes in Corneslcourt as they space people apart on way in and limit numbers in at any time. Once you get in there is nobody in there and itā€™s quite a pleasant experience

Did somebody ladybird it for you?

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The premise of that article is a misnomer. He didnā€™t ā€œfailā€. He succeeded. Succeeded in turning things into a catastrophe, which is exactly what he wanted.