Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Excellent advice from Sinn Féin here. Where are all the lambasters now who said they’ve been marked absent since the election?

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Anne and Barried it

Yes idiots like your man in the car filming the queue will create a social media storm that will be calling for supermarkets to be shut down.

You want to bring a packed lunch and a flask of tea with you on your trip to the shop.


Must be tough for dads who are separated from their wives and dont have access to the kids if they are living some distance apart. Obviously tough for the kids too.


I was in a supervalu recently to pick up perishables and it was a fucking horrible experience… people were going around like robots and there was more of a gloom in there than anywhere I’ve been so far…

in saying that it was in Cobh, so that could just be normal


Any lad who has not stockpiled two weeks worth of food by now deserves to queue.


In my experience people have been nice and friendly during this. People respond well to my brash good looks and musky odour

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Smell of blocked hole?

people have been brilliant in the main. I’ve only seen a few knobheads and they’ve been teenagers

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Same cunts that go to the beach last week and panic on fb

What an ape

People love panicking. Would they not just wait till Monday and there’ll be no one in there.

Any cunt going around coughing at people needs to be beaten with a stick. Post up a video of any beatings here as well.

There are studies to suggest that watching porn particularly amongst younger generation can lead to erectile dysfunction and can change neural pathways, diminish self worth and attitudes towards women.

Cc @binkybarnes

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Aer Lingus plane heading for China

Just got word from Spain that someone with virus threw themselves out the window of a hospital.