Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

yep, think ill do that, take the kids out for an hour by ourselves

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You have to do it. They would go stone cracked inside all day

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He was talking about daithi Reagan roaring at the shades.

My apologies all !

You gowl. Dont be apologizing .


Karma and all …

Farmer would have halved him in due course anyway

I’d say he’s a real ladies man alright.

You’re right. I’m sorry for saying the Spanish lad that went out the window probably thought he was a bat …due to the un-PC links between bats and the virus.
Crass, tasteless and disrespectful

Can’t see them being all that tender?

Both parents over 70. Both very fit for their age. Never smoked etc.

Cocooning rules says no outside except garden but surely they’d be Ok to go for a short walk around local area? The sister trying to tell them to stay in. I’m more open minded. They’ll crack up inside

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you would think its ok but really they shouldnt


Any walk for a couple within 2km is fine, it counts as your one daily exercise especially for older people.

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Why gamble? Imagine if one of those stupid cunts coughing on people as some challenge popped up? Or just some stupid cunt sneezes near them. Unlikely they get it but even having the fear they might is likely.more a of a headfuck than being cooped up

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Still no clarity on this. Points 2 & 3 are contradictory. Walk 2 metres apart from my 20-month old and let him get mowed down by a car? Holohan, Glynn, Henry, Harris, Coveney and Varadkar should resign over this.

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Not for over 70s that fall into cocooning bracket.

You don’t have to keep two metres from anyone in your family unit mate, unless you want to. It’ll be very hard to get the ride from that distance though

Yeah their choice of walk everyday is the Shelbourne Park. Potential little scobes to be hanging around. I’d rather them head off down around the quiet roads around greystones and back of gaelic grounds etc

Are you taking the piss? Harris must have said about 10 times last night that people in the same household are alright together cos either they’ll all have it or they won’t. There’s none as blind as a shinner determined not to see…


McGregor needs to announce some clarity on this