Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Varadker said go out in ones with kids

Hurling in isolation

Quelle surprise. A FGLAB bot straight in to defend the indefensible.

I’ve been banging this drum for weeks. Please stop having sex

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SP would be better for them ? They could walk there no hassle.

2546 new cases and 260 new deaths in UK - 2 of those deaths in the North.

Depends on their location, rural or urban?

my parents rang the hse- no walks is the advice


They have a choice of both. Limerick City or a place in West Clare. Either way I’m thinking they are old enough and clued in enough to decide for themselves. The sis is a bit more intrusive on it

Outrage is growing in Kenya after police fired teargas at a crowd of ferry commuters and mobile phone footage captured officers hitting people with batons as they enforced the country’s Covid-19 lockdown.

A lot to be said for a bit of police brutality

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They could yeah. They also could around the quiet roads where they are in Limerick of you aak me.

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Just cross the road if people are coming at them or stand back. 2 x 30 minutes walk should be fine — parts of Shelbourne are dead at the best of times

Waddya gonna do Tone

I would be of the same opinion as your sister tbh

Could they walk across any fields behind the house ?

I had holy war with the father this morning. Like a spoiled child more or less saying that noone is going to tell him where and when he can go out.


Ah I know that too. I worry my Da in particular will crack up. A lockdown for their age group could last a long time yet. Look, they’ll make thier own mind up on it. If they go out, I’ll know they will be ultra sensible.

Their field?

Better safe than sorry or it been fucked at you if something went wrong.

I told my old man to sort his will if he wanted to go into town again. Message was received loud & clear


He’s an idiot

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