Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

He is now but at the time Lads were creaming themselves at the idea of the top man out for his quiet pint in Fagans…what a guy… . One of us…

Stop with the pearl clutching. Dare we offend the French or Italians. We have not yet needed a forced lock down. Yet.

The French and Italians have had to be compelled to cop the fuck on.

The continentals we all espouse to be and have their wonderful health systems have feet of clay. Maybe Ireland is not the absolute shit hole lads here wish it was.

We have a chance to still get this right. We may lose that chance but Crystal Ball gazing and hoping FG fuck it up is a little petty given the slightly bigger picture.


I thought he was a cunt then too

I had an awful night of it last night, couldn’t sleep a wink

So it’s ok for the Taoiseach to criticise Italy and France on a National news bulletin while both countries are on their knees but it’s not ok to criticise that same Taoiseach on a tiny insignificant internet chat forum?

Blueshirts sure do love making up their own rules.


I used to get a big feed on the way home in the Burwood RSL back in 99

Partly because it’s such a monumental effort just to get there in the first place. Spare a thought for that fella who had to fly all the way from Cairo to the 'Naki, and then discovered he had kung flu when he finally got there.

Blueshirts :joy::joy::joy:

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Nothing wrong with what he said. We have an unarmed police force. Unlike say France or Italy.

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Are there many people walking around with facemasls at home? A few Poles wearing them this morning in Lidl. They look like IT guys.

Saw a few in the city Centre on Wednesday. Lot of delivery drivers have them on. Not too many in suburbia. Shops are giving out gloves now.

I bought masks for when shit got real
but not worn one yet.

I’ve only really noticed this in airports. I think that Claire Byrne show where yer man said they were only any use if you already had the virus sunk the market for them here (for the time being anyways…)

I find myself waking up earlier and earlier every day. Its not even 10, unnervring


Wilfred is an alright sort

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Wilf believes in the bricks and mortar model. Some portfolio and not in Salford or Bradford either.


We all live in a Wilfried Zaha house, a Wilfried Zaha house.

Thats serious going and with casual tenants too, mind you on that wage he could probably buy one every month.

The HSE were strong on the point early on they were of little use. I think personally this was sp they coukd secure their own supply first

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Did you not say he was below in Templemore?

Time for Robbie Fowler to step up