Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Manslaughter will do that to a man.

Another terrible day. This one didn’t hit me as much as Thursday. Are we just going to become immune to hearing these figures, as awful as that sounds? And to think, we are nowhere near peaking. Older members of our society who won’t even get the send off they deserve at the end of their lives. Horrible.

RIP to the 14.

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It certainly puts the stupid fucking arguments we have here in the ha’penny place


Amen to that. If any of the cunts here died from it, I’d be devastated.

That’s almost directly the opposite of what you’ve argued in your posts above. You seem to think we should have stopped all flights/ferries into the country from early/mid Feb in earlier posts.

I think we’re going to see that section of society extremely badly hit tbh.
Its what this virus is designed to do.

Thank fuck my old man lives at home, I wouldn’t sleep a wink worrying about a relation in a nursing home right now.

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Average age of people in hospital is 55

Now that is stupid.

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That’s the response I would have wanted. I don’t run the country and i have no other vested interest other than avoiding unnecessary deaths.

The measures taken have been adequate, if always a little late, in my opinion.

Any lad who went to Cheltenham and isn’t dead should be conscripted and sent to the front line.


We may have but how does it end

I know a few who still went to Cheltenham. Against all the advice. They are fucking traitors.

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I think median age of deaths the other day was 79. As has been pointed out, the older cohort will bear the brunt unfortunately

Don’t think some of them went to hospital which is why the hospital average age is low.

We’ll be sad for a while, we’ll grieve the people that have had misfortune and we’ll rebuild. It’s all we can do. It’s all societies have ever done


I think if the only factor was death reduction you’d shut the country down. But a range of other factors come into it - not least of which we’re a society that values personal freedom.

81 today

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I’m telling you, shit like that to wind people up will still be here when this is over.

Be careful


That would be consistent with the sense that a surge in deaths is partially nursing home related

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