Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

They’d be fucking useless, they should simply be shot

I was winding up here. Being honest I’m surprised Thursday and Friday went ahead. A lot of people got out Tuesday night/Wednesday night. The mood changed. I don’t believe it had any worse Of an effect than the soccer travellers or the Spanish holiday people or the skiers. My own thoughts are hundreds of events added up to this. I don’t believe any one event caused it. I think it’s very silly to blame anybody. I said this morning when I was being serious for a few minutes. The virus isn’t the major issue it’s the break down of society We need to watch. This isn’t anybodies fault. My friends dad passed away today. I didn’t know him at all but I’m told He was a smoker. The virus hit him hard. Are smokers to blame now too? Because they are far more likely to end up in icu than someone who is not? We need to realise this isn’t anybodies fault and work together.

Youre back to this are you? I’m not a bit wound up you pleb. You’re just making a show of your self.

Anyone who went to Cheltenham are traitors to the Irish people. Their treachery will never ever be forgotten. They will feature on Reeling in the Years when it’s time comes.


They’d be useless on the front line

Drunk, slobbering around, singing bawdy songs, letting roars out of them “up ya boy ya Gordon Elliott”


As I said it fellas like you that are far more of a danger than anybody that went to Cheltenham. People looking to play the blame game.

I don’t know how true it is but I heard today there’s a savage cluster in Tralee at the minute. A crew from a particular bar went over to cheltenham for a couple of days and came back and spent the Thursday and Friday in the pub in Tralee drinking and they all have it and have infected a shot of the locals as well.

Na sorry Thomas I flipped and just got fed up.

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More lies. You’re a traitor to your fellow country men.

Vile disgusting treacherous bastards.

They should be hunted down. A column would surely be allowed free travel to do so.

You are a heavy smoker and far more likely to contract this virus. Smoking is a disgusting habit and should be banned out right. You could end up taking some poor old persons place in icu because of your selfish habit. I wouldn’t throw stones in glass houses if I was you.

I know of at least 100 people that went to Cheltenham and haven’t got sick but this is at least the tenth version of this story I’ve heard.

I never said I was a heavy smoker.

You on the other hand admitted to going to Cheltenham and believe yourself to be a hero for doing so.

You should be one of the first against the wall when the time comes.

Theres a bigger fight ahead lads


You are much worse than anybody that went to Cheltenham. You shouldn’t throw stones in a glass House you selfish individual. I hope for your own sake and our health system you’ve stopped smoking.

Yes @Thomas_Brady I’m sorry for my outburst earlier. I lost the plot. I’m sorry for anybody offended.

You betrayed the Irish people. You laud those who went with you as heroes.

You are a traitor.

Absolute bollix. The whole country was appealing for people not to go.

Era they weren’t really. There was more checks in the English airports than in Dublin or Shannon about the virus.