Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

I’m disappointed nobody wrote “Cheltingham”, as many roasters pronounce it.

Someone needs to empty the bed pans.

Well they would have hands of piss to start with.

It was the UKs call to stop Cheltenham. It was Irish individuals from both sides of the pond whether to attend. Both got it wrong i think

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OK lads. Now is not the time… Solidarity.



Heard of a few people in south limerick who travelled to Cheltenham have the virus.

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I haven’t met anyone who went to Cheltenham who doesn’t have the virus


The mood had changed in Ireland and was reflected by many Irish leaving early. The English didn’t give two hoots about it and still don’t.

That doesnt mean they dont have the virus though

No but I genuinely thought somebody would. Good few were working tbf but I’ve heard these pub stories everywhere.

Depending on the flu season and how severe it is, up to 10,000 can die of flu complications in the UK a year. Some years its a lot lower, but in 2009 it was 13,000, the year of the H1N1 swine flu.

This is far more contagious than the flu, far more aggressive, and the mortality rate is ~10x higher. It is literally a death sentence to older people who are already in poor health.

Hopefully the measures being taken will keep the numbers down.

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Its about personal responsibility. Those aids carrying cunts knew full well by the start of Cheltenham


Should be easy enough for the authorities to track these yahoos down

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The tide had turned by the Monday before Cheltenham. Those fucks knew what they were doing was wrong. The writing was on the wall. Fuck them all. I hope they die roaring

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I hope willie Mullins and Gordon Elliott get aids

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Frontline staff never are

You should tweet that to them.

Or postmen

They’re called stable lads

I’ve had @anon60384913 on mute the last two weeks. Has he got it?