Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Thatā€™s ā€œaidesā€. ā€œAidsā€ is the full back on the St. Michaelā€™s senior cup team.

That would be more your form Sid.


Iā€™m not Sid and Iā€™ve never tweeted anybody with material from this site - but personally I think the poster above should have the guts to tweet the post that was referenced to the people referenced in it.

I bet they wonā€™t.


Fuck you I donated to your charity at least two years in a row.

Nobody should be blamed. Thereā€™s been a number of racial attacks against Chinese people around the globe. Idiots that pedal this sort of stuff will be the down fall of us.

Ok, you may have a point here.

Iā€™m one of the few people on the forum that actually understand whatā€™s happening here.


Itā€™s true, but some people made very bad decisions and itā€™s quite convenient for them to brush it all under the carpet

Your English good have too.


We had to have demonstrations on the tv on how to wash your hands properly. There is nobody innocent in this If you want to start pointing the finger. Youā€™ve idiots stock piling alcohol. How many alcohol related incidents will we have tonight thatā€™ll end up with people in A n E using up valuable resources and potentially spreading the virus. As I said itā€™s nobodies fault. Itā€™s just one of those things but people who start trying to lay the blame are very dangerous in my opinion. We need to work together. Hope you and the family are well tracksuit.

Chinese restaurants in England are finished. The filthy bat ateing bastards

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Iā€™ll be supporting my local Chinese. They didnā€™t do anything wrong tossi.

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Itā€™s disgusting to blame Chinese people for this, especially Chinese living in your own country.

The CCP are the oneā€™s to blame, the people who suffer most are the Chinese people living under that murderous regime.

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The cunts in the EU need to step in and help Italy. There will be a revolution and complete societal breakdown if this persists any longer. Some of the scenes of families begging for food is heart wrenching. Now gangs are organising raids on supermarkets.

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I donā€™t think itā€™s anybodies fault. Itā€™s just one of those things.

The Japs gave the Chinese a right doing back in the day, they wont let it happen again.

Thatā€™s the break down of society and will cause many more deaths than the virus.

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The EU are about as useful as tits on a bull.


The EU project has been severely damaged by this crisis.