Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

The suicide rate will go through the roof if they keep putting that stuff out there. Happened in Germany after world war 1. They had to stop reporting it got so bad.

Iā€™m watching global figures here on CNN. The death toll just rose from 29.5k to 30.5k in ten minutes.

Iā€™m genuinely moved by that. That has made it real for me. Sid was right when he said the media need to focus in the real stories more. I feel like I need to do something for these poor people, send them a mass card or something.

72 years old, this man had spent all his life with his wife. There must be kids, grandkids.

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A funeral is as much a celebration of a life as it is a moirning of a death. Thereā€™ll be an awful amount of letting to be done after this cunt of a fucking virus fucks off


No way the virus didnā€™t spread like fuck in this crowd.


Well that photo is three years old so I severely doubt it.


Theyā€™re getting desperate now

Take the night off lads

Theyā€™ll cause more deaths than anybody else. Itā€™s a time for cool heads. Not fellas trying to lay blame. I was reading earlier there was a 900 percent increase in abuse towards Chinese people on twitter. Itā€™s very sad. They didnā€™t mean for this to happen. They are as guilty as people who didnā€™t wash there fucking hands up until six weeks ago.

Is it?


Yes rte used the same one earlier. Itā€™s an old photo.

Sunday Times reporting that the Brits expect to be in lockdown until the end of May.

I was talking to an hse employee today and he said itā€™ll be August before we are back to normal. Itā€™s going to be a long summer.

The famous pic doing the rounds has been of Altior winning the Supreme in 2016

Aiteor saw the writing on the wall this year

I know but @Esso_Oil and @iron_mike are simple.

This is extremely frightening in so many ways

No. Simple would be attending the festival for multiple days and increasing the probability of infecting your friends and family exponentially. That would be simple.

Did you not put money on cheltenham going head and said to everyone on here it would only be cancelled if things got bad?