Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Listen Iā€™ve had fuck all interaction with you for years. Iā€™ve left you alone when others have gone after you. Iā€™ve tried to debate with you reasonably but you decide to attack me. Go fuck yourself


Whatā€™s that got to do with simpletons attending it and increasing the probability of infecting their friends and family exponentially?

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Donā€™t worry mike I was only messing. Itā€™s just the hundred time Iā€™ve seen that photo from a few years back. Iā€™ve no bone to pick with you. Sorry,

You said it would be cancelled if things got bad. You profited off the event so you badly need to get off your high horse.

Whatā€™s that got to do with simpletons attending it and increasing the probability of infecting their friends and family exponentially?

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Double postā€¦

How long can the world actually lockdown for lads? Will we come to a point where theyā€™ll have to weigh up economic devastation, suicide etc vs this draconian shite?

Can the supply chains etc run for a 6 or 12 month lock down?without a vaccineā€¦to take a term from an old geography teacher - are we pissing against the wind.

What are the numbers of people who died this time last year of the flu vs this virus.


I just hope the cases of your friendā€™s father, or your fatherā€™s friend or whatever didnā€™t come from you.

Experts say four weeks in full and complete lock down. I donā€™t think this qualifies for full lock down like they had in wuhan. This kind of effort Iā€™d say three months. The majority will be immune by then.

Nope I havenā€™t had contact with anybody in a few weeks and havenā€™t met him in a few months. Good to see you climb down off your high house.

My view on this is - once you lock down a country, its very difficult to undo that, any deaths thereafter will be atributed to that decision. Political suicide essentially.

Thatā€™s why Leo kept repeating last night that it was Dr Tonyā€™s decision.

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Problem is after a few weeks people wonā€™t obey the rules and theyā€™d be impossible to enforce if we all said Iā€™ll roll the dice. We canā€™t stay in the shadows for ever.

Forget about politics for a minute pal, how does this come to an end?

Forget about the flu.

Weā€™re looking at an order of magnitude higher deaths than the flu if this was left to run its course

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Leo stressed heā€™s listening to the experts. Iā€™d be worried if he was making up his own mind on these matters.

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Iā€™m not even point scoring thereā€¦just being honest. It ends in June palā€¦

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As long as it takes as long as socialism is there to bail people out.

As long as you stay healthy, this is a doddle.

This has been compared to the war, and in some ways it is - for those on the front line, ie. people working in hospitals, those who have to make the awful decisions, those who see the death staring them in their faces.

But not if you stay healthy. Not if youā€™re on the internet most of the day. For those people, me included, itā€™s a doddle. There are no German bombs raining down overhead.

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Itā€™s an inconvenience for most people, not a hardship.

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Out of curiosity since weā€™ve gone into lock down whatā€™s changed for you?