Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Iā€™d love if you were right mate, but I donā€™t see it - how can it end in June if there isnt a vaccine?

It ends quicker if it doesnā€™t work, if that makes sense. If we actually flatten the curve, this goes on for months.

I think it is very very difficult to maintain this level of shutdown for that kind of timeframe.


Give it another week and weā€™ll see. Thereā€™s a novelty to it in some ways.

I reckon four weeks.

Weā€™re sitting at home drinking beer and ateing dinners. Thatā€™s not hardship.

Hardship is queueing for a bowl of soup or hiding from bombsā€¦

Stay in and watch Netflix to fuck and give the old people a chance


Weā€™d 1 case at the end of February ladsā€¦I wouldnt believe a word that those chinese cunts are saying.

It ends with a lot more deaths in scenario one there mate

More lies

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Do you have the numbers for deaths last year of common flu mate?

I know. Iā€™m not arguing for it, just stating my view on scenarios that could play out. None are good.

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I wish lad. Itā€™s these types of things that are much worse than the virus itā€™s self. Fellas creating rumours to suit their odd agendas. I hope the man gets better for everyoneā€™s sake.

Youā€™re a born liar.

Are you seriously comparing this to the common flu?

More than 10k have died in italy in a month. 12 more months of that and itā€™ll be exponentially higher.

This is bad. This is not the flu.

Easy for you maybe for others not so much. Everyone is different.

How can they be immune if they didnā€™t get infected? The whole point of a lockdown is to reduce the number of infections in a given period of time. If the whole world locked down for a few months like Wuhan did we could eliminate the virus, but that hasnā€™t happened so it is here for the long haul.

Itā€™s not easy. Itā€™s not a hardship when the alternative is someone could die.

Its irritating not to be able to go for golf or meet a buddy, get over it. The alternative is nurses and doctors choosing who gets to live and who dies.

Iā€™ll take staying at home for as long as it takes


What portion of people do you think are already infected by the virus? I think the idea of partial lock down is to slow down the rate of infection but not stop it all together. Keep it at slow rate so the health services can cope. That is what I think.

How many people died of flu in italy last March pal? Iā€™m not saying it isnt a killer virus - but we need to look at this pragmatically as well.

I agree in principle but Iā€™m afraid stuff like suicide will be off the charts. I hope Iā€™m wrong.

Correct, but you donā€™t develop immunity unless you have been infected, or we find a vaccine.

How many are already infected? no idea and nor do the experts. Iā€™ve seen estimates from 1% to 70%. It obviously varies from country to country and within regions within countries. Given it was circulating unchecked from mid January, Iā€™d say thereā€™s a good chance 10-20% have been infected in most areas with dense populations.