Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Youā€™re worried about the wrong thing. If we donā€™t do this now, and sustain it, people will definitely die, and doctor and nurses will definitely have to decide who gets to live and who dies. Thatā€™s a decision nobody should have to make for another human being

There may be suicides but at the end of the day thatā€™s someoneā€™s own choice. Itā€™s sad. But they chose it

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Italy has a very high number of deaths from flu, compared to the rest of the EU. I read a report where the average number of annual deaths was around 17,000, and they put it down to an older fragile population, and the fact they have an anti-vaccine mentality.

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How more pragmatically can you look at it. If we donā€™t take action now, lots and lots of people will die. 10k in one month. This isnt a hoax or a phoney. Not just old people are dying.
This is the real deal, fuck off with your flu comparisons

Heā€™s asking a fair question. Heā€™s not saying itā€™s a common flu. What are the number of incremental deaths caused by covid is key information in making level headed decisions about how to approach this. You seem to let your emotions get the best of you when any rational discussion outside of ā€™ we must have total lockdownā€™ takes place.


When the alternative is that an exponential number of deaths will occur, yes, Iā€™ll get emotional.

Are we really still having this discussion? That this is in any way comparable to the flu? Really

In October 2019 over 2 million cases of the flu were confirmed to January of 2020 with 240 deaths.

Theyā€™ve just had 10k deaths in a month.

This is not the fucking flu. Jesus fucking christ


Arrah shure it was some craic

Heā€™s a young family and is protective. Itā€™s understandable.

Iā€™m more worried about my old family.

Youā€™ve family thatā€™s been poorly. Worry about them.

Heā€™s a hothead, probably sexually frustrated according to @Tank .

Iā€™m not good at worrying I believe in what will be will be. My auld fella will be needed to tied down to a chair. Doesnā€™t realise his own age and itā€™s effects on his age group. He Rang his sister whoā€™s younger than him and warned her she needs to be careful. Hopefully itā€™ll dawn on him soon.

Team America: World Police promised not to engage with me so is now resorting at having digs through different posts.

Fuck yeah

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But thats not the only alternative, exponential deaths. You clutch your pearls and start wailing any time a level headed discussion takes place. Complete lockdown is not sustainable over months and months timeframe, you do grasp that yeah?

I assume you also grasp that humans die. Therefore incremental deaths and incremental cases that will end up in ICU caused by this virus is important to assess in the context that a complete lockdown is not sustainable over a long period of time.

Before you reply, Iā€™m aware its not the common flu, Iā€™m in favour of temporary lockdown but Iā€™m also aware lockdown can not go on indefinitely and countries will open up their borders at some point in the near future and unless there is a similutaneous erasure of covid in every country there will be a second wave of this.


Youā€™re worried about random people committing suicide but not youā€™re old lad?

You are aware that I havenā€™t been calling for a full lockdown and have been in favour of incremental measures.

But anyway, humans die. The money train rolls on. Suck it up, move on.

Never waste a crisis as the man says.

This is horrendous for everyone mate, Iā€™m not saying it isnā€™t- Iā€™m just worried about what happens afterwards to be honest.

No Iā€™m worried about the complete break down of society. Remember when people starting looting streets in England and that sort of thing a few years ago. That would worry me. That will cause more deaths than the virus.

Thatā€™s not what Iā€™m saying at all, suck it up let people die. Iā€™ve family members who are 80+ and hope to God a treatment/vaccine is sourced asap.

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How many people died in the London riots?

Iā€™m talking about Ireland. Not globally.