Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Discussions on easing lockdowns have to go on and they should be public, it would be absolutely wrong of governments to not have these discussions and give people hope. Obviously lives come first, but the full spectrum of outcomes has to be considered, including the projected number of deaths if the economy collapses completely and we have another great depression like the 1930s.

One of the unknowns is what impact will social distancing and good hygiene practices have. This is a disease that is spread by droplet outside of hospital procedures, if the public practice the measures put in place to reduce spread, this could have an enormous impact. We donā€™t know yet as we are working through all the infections when people were at Mardi Gras, sneezing all over each other at Cheltenham and soccer matches, tens of millions kissing each other on the cheeks, etc.


Complete societal breakdown is probably 3 months away. There were riots in China yesterday, in China where you get shot for rioting.

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You were talking about England in your last post.

Weā€™re not much of a country for the oulā€™ rioting. Burning down the British Embassy in 1972 was about the best we managed.

As we all hope for a vaccine, and until such time that there is one, we have to protect the vulnerable. We have to protect doctors from drawing a cross on peoples heads.

We only have to stay at home and watch the tv and spend time with our nearest and dearest. It isnā€™t easy, but it isnt fucking hard either

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Ya as in a similar type of an event Sid. I donā€™t remember big riots in Ireland. Stop trying to find an argument.

At least they donā€™t shoot you for being black.

Its very hard for people who dont have families etc - all of that needs to be considered.

What weā€™re looking at here is a lockdown for 12 months unless thereā€™s a vaccine - thatā€™s not sustainable.

If people loot, thatā€™s their choice, they live or die with the consequence, nobody chose to get the virus. The doctors donā€™t want to choose who gets to live or die.

In your scenario, both will happen

Itā€™ll be tough for everyone at some point.

The only thing that needs to be considered is that if we donā€™t take care of the vulnerable, they will die. Itā€™s really as simple as that

Bottom line is, there shouldnā€™t be and wonā€™t be riots as long as the necessary economic supports are there, and thatā€™s entirely dependent on governments and central banks.

They can do what they want, if they want, and they can prop up the system indefinitely, if they want. Theyā€™d be well advised to go with socialism in this situation, because if they donā€™t, thatā€™s when you will get riots.

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Agreed,but the term vulnerable could end up stretching a lot further than weā€™d like.

Itā€™s worth discussing this.

Grand, lets do that for 6 months. Covid is more or less eliminated in Ireland but thereā€™s limited herd immunity and no sign of a vaccine being developed. The rest of the world still hasnā€™t eliminated it and itā€™s rampant in many countries, and tanland still has it. What do we do then, continue lockdown, closed borders indefinitely?

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Theres vulnerable people right now that donā€™t have the virus, unless we keep capacity down somehow they are also getting a raw deal.

Thereā€™ll be vulnerable people after this too and weā€™ll need to help them too.

This is a big fucking fight. Forget about money and economy. Thatā€™ll come after.

So you just want it to run through us like a dose of salts? Whatā€™s your alternative?

12 to 18 months at the very least before weā€™ll see a safe vaccine. One would assume that some form of lockdown / curve flattening measures will be in place until then.

My alternative is to take a level headed approach to how long this lockdown can last and discuss the merits of a controlled spread of this. I just take umbrage to people screaming muderer, donā€™t even go there etc. to anyone discussing the merits of a plan outside of lockdown.

Lockdown will likely be an ever present threat until a vaccine arrives and more importantly gets actually pumped into people. There may be more than one lockdown, there may be several. The point is you cross those bridges when you come to them, you buy time. You hope that treatments emerge to mitigate the death rate. You donā€™t throw people overboard.

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