Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Iā€™ve suggested an alternative of a controlled spread on here as the only possible alternative.

You need to remember I responded to a post here of someone comparing this to the flu

The biggest worry is that people will get fatigued and say fuck it, itā€™s only old people. That seems to be happening already

Saying forget about money and the economy is dreamland stuff mate, the land of fairytales and John Lennonā€™s Imagine.

Not everyone is a wfh, have 3 teams calls a day and right, thats a days work, Iā€™ll get paid this month. You clearly can wfh, are relatively privileged, financially secure and the lockdown isnā€™t a huge issue for, right?

There are lots of people nowhere near that set up and this is ruinious for them.

Again to reiterate Iā€™m not dismissing the seriousness of this disease or that a temp lockdown is not desirable.


The right-wing media in the US and UK is manufacturing consent for it already. See the narratives being spread about ā€œah shure they would have died anywayā€. Whatever happened to them being ā€œpro-lifeā€?

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I havenā€™t worked since january. I had an offer in Frankfurt for February but I couldnā€™t take it with the risk. Iā€™ve a mortgage and a young family.

Lockdown isnt easy for me. Iā€™ve nothing coming in and lots going out.

Iā€™ll suck it up. Iā€™ll suck it up for my grandparents, for as long as I have to.

And when this shits over, Iā€™ll start from scratch if needs be.


Fair enough, I wish you well, Iā€™m grabbing a beer.

Unfortunately the only control is to slow down the rate of transmission. The only other option at the moment is wild fire spread & carnage.

Would you be able to go 12 months without a wage, mate?

Iā€™m after a skip of them. I hope your doing alright and you get through unscathed


You would think society is so thick that we can only do one thing at once. Look at the Irish data, 98% of cases are defined as mild, and we might have only caught 10% or less of actual cases. Now thereā€™s a subset of those that are in hospital, as mild to a doctor is at deathā€™s door to someone who has never had a bad case of the flu. Thatā€™s 98% that even if they get infected will fight it off. We have to assume as well that treatments will continue to evolve and the symptoms will be less severe.

The question is how do we protect the vulnerable, and there we have to do better than locking them up indefinitely and talking to them over Facetime. Old people will just start dying out of despair.

No. Nowhere near it.

But if it came to it. Iā€™d cope.

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Thatā€™s my worry mate - I dont buy the governments shite about looking after people.

Its 12 months at least - without a vaccine.

I havenā€™t heard one thing about boosting the elderlys immune systems in terms of vitamins etc.

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The way governments should look it at it is that by looking after people, theyā€™re looking after themselves.

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Herself is on a house party app here with another 7 people. One is some kind of accountant/ economics freak. Iā€™m only listening but Jesus Christ he is blowing my mind with angles for the future . Some cunts see every fucking turn in the road

The alternative is doctors will be choosing who lives and who dies. Itā€™s not just old people dying from this.

Do you not get the magnitude of 10k people dying in one month?


Go on

The testing in Pairc Ui Chaoimh finished yesterday for the time being, that has to be seen as a positive. Also, a cousin of the birds is a Segeant In the north cork area, they had four squad cars on patrol last night and came across only one car in between 1 and 6, now that car was 5 knackers but people are definately buying into it thankfully.


Let me guess, the knackers were providing an essential service?

Of course, delivering generators!

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Oh canā€™t do him justice, how now weā€™re are down salary but itā€™s short term . Nothin like before where people were borrowing years worth of income & quantative easing was trying to lower the affect of it. Total dumbing down of him now to be fair, I was so impressed about heā€™s plans of next steps etc. Heā€™s a friend of hers so not trying to fuck any of us