Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

A lockdown for 12 months could end up being far more damaging to the entire population. I know your hearts in the right place, mate, but the bigger picture needs to be looked at as well.

Iā€™m not saying to unlock us down in April - but, things need to be weighed up.

If helicopter money ended up pumping some inflation into the system it wouldnā€™t be a bad thing.

One glaring flaw in the Reagan/Thatcher idelogy was that they were obsessed with stopping inflation and yet they ran economies based on credit, which requires inflation.


Things will be weighed up. And in my opinion saving lives will always be the right option.


Agreed, mate.

I got mauled here 2 weeks ago for agreeing with this ie the McWilliams proposal. As I said then what can seem unthinkable can quickly become the norm.

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I donā€™t think Universal Basic Income or concepts like it are real runners in normal circumstances. But these are not normal circumstances. It quickly became obvious that something along those lines would have to come in. I expect that in the US however, corporates and the wealthy will make out like bandits.


Everyone should remember our ability as humans to adapt to shit like this is millions of years in the making.

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Weā€™re like rats.

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Universal basic income is a dream made in heaven for work shy cunts - Iā€™m shocked youā€™re advocating it mate.


Society will not break down. Society will get stronger

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Iā€™m not shy of work - work is shy of me.

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Everyone needs to calm down a little. As recently as the 12th of March the experts in the UK projected up to 500K dead, and thankfully they were listened to. It was this study and unfolding events in Italy that kick started this suppression effort across the globe, US, UK, France, Spain, everywhere.

Itā€™s almost the end of March, the UK has 1,000 deaths and Ireland has 36 deaths. The US was projected to have 2.2 million deaths, we have 2,150. Yes it is early, but we are simply not going to see exponential growth long term from here, maybe for another week or two, but then the suppression efforts kick in.

You cannot save every life, but you have to make the best effort to save every life.


Society only breaks down when its faced with prejudicial attacks. When race or class is attacked. Whenever all of society is attacked as it is now is, a threat that doesnā€™t care if youā€™re rich or poor, black or white, society will come together.

Weā€™re a species that depends on society

But we will see exponential growth unless a vaccine is found, unless people stay inside until r0 is 1 and r0 will never be 1 until we get enough immunity, we are between the proverbial rock and hard place

Go to bed ye cunts


You can reduce R0 in ways other than total lockdown. These extreme measures are necessary because we allowed the virus spread unchecked for a few months. You reduce R0 by not spreading the virus to other people, sneezing into your elbow, staying home if you are sick, washing hands regularly, stop touching everything, keep your distance, no shaking hands, hugging and kissing. Keep bars and clubs closed for a bit longer, but after this peak has passed ease up and let people go back to work.

R0 depends on peopleā€™s behavior as much as the virus.

Course you would. Pay nobody only the supermarket. 350pw would surely cover that. This is Ireland. Nobody will see you starve

Why is that I wonder? They were talking during week about opening a testing centre in mallow racecourse

Cork is fucked. Theyre just going to abandon it. Anyone healthy being moved to spike island.


Mate heā€™s a born liar. Youā€™re a bigger eejit for entertaining his lies. Give him him the ridicule he deserves.