Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

The 4 lads operating the Barney curley account flat out all night.


Apologized a couple of times, then went back at it straight away. 2 ends of a fucking eejit ( maybe 8 ends of 4 fucking eejits)


A born liar. I truly donā€™t understand why anyone would entertain him other than to ridicule him when the mood takes from time to time

Iā€™d imagine it comes to an end as antibody tests are rolled out aggressively, and anyone with antibodies allowed back out as normal. Pubs clubs etc reopen for that group if workers are there to open etc.


There is an interesting point regarding how long lockdown can go on for. Obviously not forever. People at some point will need to go back to work, if only to pay for having a government in the first place.

Hopefully we start seeing the effects of this lockdown shortly and maybe measures can be gradually (and I mean very gradually) relaxed after a month or two. We can always reinstate lockdown at any point.

Flush tend to retreat a bit in the summer though. We could be lured into a false sense of security and get hit with a second wave later in the year

There were lads here a couple of days ago guaranteeing that the championship would start in June. It might, but I sincerely doubt it. I wonder if they are as certain now?

Itā€™s not irrational. Heā€™s a Cork weirdo.

Following on from the The Sunday Times front page this morningā€¦this is very sad.


It is, itā€™s war time in many ways in its desperate times and measures.

Once more people realise this is a war time footing weā€™re on, the quicker weā€™ll come out of this and the less people who will have to experience this awful farewell to a loved one.

Not a hope of it.

It most drive you insane Iā€™m far more popular than you after all these years of just trying to annoy people and youā€™ve spend a good decade doing anything to make a few friends.

More lies

Singapore have gone back into lock down already. Countries who have come out of lock down will have a big bearing on what weā€™ll do. Searching ā€œsecond waveā€ on twitter wouldnā€™t keep you much hope.

:rofl: :clap:

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I donā€™t keep up to date with this thread, so apologies if this was posted already. A quote from a South Korean doctor.

But some experts donā€™t believe life in Korea will truly return to normality until there is a viable vaccine that is proven to be effective against Covid-19.

Dr Kim, himself a vaccine specialist, said a vaccine is likely to be at least a year to 18 months away. Until then some restrictions are likely to remain in place.

"Really if you want to return to the way things were, going out at night, going to concerts, to pubs, or going out to dinner, you really need to have a vaccine," he said.

hopefully the little cunt will ā€œfall downā€ the stairs in the station

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I donā€™t feel well after reading that

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Yeah, either that or everybody has to get it ; in the absence of those 2 scenarios thereā€™s no real alternative to some form of lockdown type measures.

I honestly believe lads saying pubs opening June and the GAA and other events starting up again in the summer are living in cloud cockoo land.

I sincerely hope I am wrong however. But I just donā€™t see the normal of old back for a good while yet. Certainly not for a certain category of people