Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Friend of the wife’s has been drafted in to do contact tracing. Apparently they go so detailed they use your phone to find out the people you queued beside in Tesco etc

That Aer Lingus flight is on the way home. What’s interesting looking at Flight Radar is how many planes are still in the air

Cargo and somebody told me a lot of planes are flying empty to hold their slots.

Nah, the commission did away with that rule last week

Oh well ya that photos bull shit too or old

Is it three years old?


I hope they bate the bollocks off him first

that’s things at the moment

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More lies

That’s a fraction of what would usually be about I’d say

A lot of packages etc travel by plane

Wuhan reported only about 2,500 #coronavirus deaths, but 5,000 urns were delivered to one mortuary over just 2 days. “Wuhan has seven other mortuaries.” @shanghaiist

As I’ve said many times, only a complete numpty would believe the Chinese


How are things in China now?

Are we looking at about 3 months of this before things will gradually be lifted?

There are trying to lift restrictions, but there is significant social unrest emerging now. There is also some evidence to suggest that the virus is still active in Wuhan.

The plan really should be about how we can keep our over 65s locked down. The rest of us will need to get it and run the risk… There’s no way we do this for 18 months. But Every time I think the masses should just get it I hear of a fit under 40 or young person dying from it.


Not really practical though, particularly when we’re in a housing crisis with many cases of two or three generations of families sharing houses or childminding duties.


It’s also not practical to live like this for 18 months.


Housing crisis has been solved by no tourists being in the country I’d imagine.

Hell of a journey you went on in that post

It’s not ideal but needs must.