Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

This must be the mercy mission flight bringing people back from Peru.


Nobody gives a toss about Africa.

Geldof does

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Geldof just gives a toss about Geldof, you think he’d have done it if it meant no publicity.

Publicity wasnt a thing in the 80s, Shur we hadn’t a bob. We just had bob.

Of course it was a thing in the 80s, his gigs were screened across the entire globe.

He is a vile narcissistic cretin.

The only surge so far is the SURGE by FG in the polls.

I was out earlier in a local petrol station.
I had my papers in case I encountered a Garda checkpoint.

Army pulled up at petrol station in a van - army green coloured.

Few lads in full combats nipped in to buy grub the way you would see lads buying grub heading off to a match.

Hope those beers went down well last night.

Economic thought process is all well & good but every economy is goosed in the Western World.

Maybe you should consider moving to Tan Land?

Any word from the Irish government on antibody testing?

Yes the majority could be immune by now. We need to start focusing on this.

they’re waiting for someone else to tell them what to do.

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Sure they were welcoming Italians in and sending people off to Cheltenham when this was cranking up


yeah, I was reading about it this morning, edit, two 777’s gone from Gatwick this morning BA9014 aswell

Stop the Spread, beat the virus.

HSE calling a peak between 10 and 14 April


Some good news if we can stay below 30 percent.


How many tweets a day is he up to now.
I’d say he is really involved in policy decisions alright…


Do you think he is tweeting himself on his phone?


I dont think it’s the most far fetched idea.