Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Spoke to mate of mine there who is a consultant. Sobering enough in that he said the battle hasnt really even started in the hospitals yet. A week away from it

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Ah shtap

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Maybe he is ghost tweeting so.

How so? What are they expecting

Id say there is a PR time full time flat to the mat to make sure he doesn’t make a cunt of himself

Somebody else runs his twitter accounts I’d imagine. They usually put their initials after them when’s actually them.

Leo was swanning around America when the shit hit the fan. A few days later Simple Simon was telling people to go to their GPs if they needed testing. All the while plane loads of Italians were arriving here and all the Hooray Henry’s were being welcomed back from Cheltenham and told not to bother self isolating.

A few Love Actually type press conferences from Leo and a smattering of photos of Simon looking ‘pensive but determined’ will not change these facts.


More critical cases?

Just numbers wise the wave hasnt come at them.

I hope he was hopped off every wall on the way into his cell

drones cleaning the street in Dubai

As at 8pm last night:

How many more in icu beds that don’t have the virus?

So we’ve 320 beds and 80 or so in icu at the moment. Symptoms come on up to two weeks after exposure. Last night would have been two weeks since pubs closed.

Tom Dee-veen has answered the call
Fair play Tom


You would have great respect for the former health workers that are putting themselves back on the frontline for this.


Lads and ones throwing out ICU capacity to bate the band.

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Indeed. Especially the auld ones.

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Trenches days for hard men


Fair play is right, hopefully he can give some insight also as to how NZ have managed a zero mortality rate thus far and if its something we might be able to replicate.