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Germany’s coronavirus anomaly: high infection rates but few deaths

Widespread testing may explain low fatality figures in country that is bucking trend in Europe

NURTINGEN, GERMANY - MARCH 16: A medical worker takes personal informations from a motorist at a drive-in testing facility for people with possible coronavirus symptoms on March 16, 2020 in Nurtingen, Germany. The number of confirmed COVID-19 infection cases in Germany has topped 6,500 and is continuing to rise by the hour. Meanwhile authorities are seeking to implement ever more stringent measures in an effort to stem the spread of the virus. (Photo by Christian Kaspar-Bartke/Getty Images)|500x281.25

A medical worker at a drive-in testing facility for people with possible coronavirus symptoms. Germany conducts more than 160,000 tests per week Š Christian Kaspar-Bartke/Getty Images

March 20, 2020 5:00 am by Tobias Buck in Berlin

The coronavirus crisis has hit Germany with full force. Infections are increasing rapidly, schools, factories and bars have closed across the country, and government measures to slow the outbreak are becoming more draconian by the day.

In one crucial way, however, the country is proving remarkably resilient: relative to known infections, the number of deaths has so far been minuscule.

According to data from Johns Hopkins University, there were 13,979 coronavirus infections in Germany on Thursday afternoon, more than in any other country except China, Italy, Iran and Spain.

Germany's death toll is far lower than other European countries|500x357.4366004112406

At the same time, Germany had only registered 42 deaths. Neighbouring France, by contrast, reported 9,058 infections and 243 deaths. Spain had 17,395 infections and 803 deaths. The US, the UK, Italy and even South Korea all show case fatality rates significantly higher than Germany.

The apparent anomaly has sparked debate in Germany and beyond, though experts warn against drawing sweeping conclusions. They argue that the country’s low fatality rate most likely reflects the fact that the outbreak is still at a relatively early stage, and that the age profile of those affected has so far been younger than that in other countries. Younger patients without previous ailments have a much better chance of surviving Covid-19 than elderly patients.

The capacity in Germany is very, very significant. We can conduct more than 160,000 tests per week, and that can be increased

Lothar Wieler, Koch institute

Another factor that may help explain the variance is the unusually high number of tests being carried out in Germany. According to Lothar Wieler, the president of the Robert Koch Institute, German laboratories are now conducting about 160,000 coronavirus tests every week — more than some European countries have carried out in total since the crisis started. Even South Korea, which is conducting 15,000 tests a day and has been held up by virologists as an example to follow, appears to be testing less than Germany.

“This is about capacity. The capacity in Germany is very, very significant. We can conduct more than 160,000 tests per week, and that can be increased further,” Prof Wieler told journalists this week. Test capabilities would be boosted not least in part by switching laboratories that specialise in animal health towards coronavirus checks. There was no sign that test kits were running low, Prof Wieler added.

In the short term at least, mass testing feeds through into a lower fatality rate because it allows authorities to detect cases of Covid-19 even in patients who suffer few or no symptoms, and who have a much better chance of survival. It also means that Germany is likely to have a lower number of undetected cases than countries where testing is less prevalent. Indeed, one notable feature of the coronavirus outbreak in Germany so far is the high number of relatively young patients: according to data from the Robert Koch Institute, more than 80 per cent of all people infected with the coronavirus are younger than 60.

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“Especially at the beginning of the outbreak in Germany we saw many cases connected to people returning from skiing trips and similar holidays,” said Matthias Stoll, a professor of medicine at the University of Hanover. “These are predominantly people who are younger than 80 and who are fit enough to ski or engage in similar activities. Their risk of dying is comparatively low.”

Hans-Georg Kräusslich, a professor of medicine and the head of virology at the University Hospital in Heidelberg, said: “In most cases the illness is mild and shows few symptoms, and we assume that the detection of such mild cases varies from country to country. In statistical terms that leads to a difference in case fatality rates.”

However, Prof Kräusslich cautioned that the picture in Germany was likely to change in the weeks and months ahead: “We are still at a relatively early stage in the outbreak in Germany. The overwhelming share of patients became infected only in the last week or two, and we will probably see more severe cases in the future as well as a change in the fatality rate.”

That note of caution is echoed by virologists and epidemiologists across the country. Most expect the different national case fatality rates to converge as time passes and more countries uncover the true number of infections. But experts also point out that Germany has at least had the chance to prepare for a surge in serious infections, with hospitals across the country expanding intensive care capacity and boosting staff numbers and the government buying up as much critical equipment as it can.

Last week, the federal government ordered an extra 10,000 life-saving ventilators from a German manufacturer, on top of the 25,000 that are already in place in hospitals across the country. The city state of Berlin, which has so far recorded 391 cases of Covid-19, is converting parts of the local trade fair ground into a 1,000-bed hospital for future coronavirus patients. Similar steps have been taken across the country.

“We are at the beginning, so we can still implement all the measures that have been called for,” said Prof Wieler. “We can still ensure that severely ill people can get treatment in the hospital.”20

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Can you post the article

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how many field hospitals are being built lads? they have turned the excel here into a massive one

city west is heading to be some kind of massive self isolation campus

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Speaking of money I presume this will be end of coins and notes.

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There was 40k waiting at one stage!

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I think that waiting list was completely scrapped when they brought in the new testing criteria

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5000 a day is unreal testing for a country of our size.

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They took over the hotel 3 weeks ago

It’s easy slash waiting lists when you just fuck a load of people off it

In Ireland Median age infections is 45
And median age of death is 80.

Simpler times indeed

That would be a good bit more than Germany even.

Issue still will be the processing of the tests.

The rapid diagnostics kits developed by so many companies are the key.


is that median age with symptoms rather than infection?

5k a day is very good going…but how many results are we getting a day?

Dr Tony said infections

They reckon it will peak here next two weeks hence the lockdown.

I know… But presumably younger people are showing little to no symptoms… Not that it matters but I was just speculating that 40s up is where the symptoms show.

Total @Horsebox in passenger seat at Garda checkpoint

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