Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Be in the pub for the May bank holiday :pint:

How do we start to go back to normal without just restarting the whole process all over again :thinking:

China is facing a second wave now from people coming into the country.

Itā€™s vaccine or nothing bro.

This will be very welcome.

Donā€™t mind them Chinese cunts. You couldnā€™t trust a word from them

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You canā€™t believe their death rates any way. Thereā€™s 8 million phones laying idle over there.

If we eliminated it within the country then we could ban all passenger flights and ferries into the country and live semi-normal lives for the rest of the year but FG would have to have the balls to do that.

There hasnā€™t been such gratuitous use of urns since Paul Bearer

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There are still, today, Americans coming here on holiday

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Gee, I bet they canā€™t wait to knock back a few glasses of that Irish Guinness.

The Provies are seething.

June Bank Holiday

Thatā€™s the app I proposed here a couple weeks ago.

Hello @hseitguy

the replies on twitter are brilliant

Evidently the actual infection rate is much higher than has been reported around the world, either because of governments lying, insufficient testing or differing forms of classification.

I suppose this is a good thing?

Yes. Iā€™m ā€œon the groundā€ here on the ā€œfrontlineā€ at DUB and saw it with my own eyes

Theyā€™re in for some shock upon leaving the Airport

Yes mate.i think we all know the infection rate is much higher than reportedā€¦ Itā€™s been in Ireland since November.

I had it last August


Get that onto facebook pronto.