Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Yes a good thing, people who have fully recovered from it can’t infect others.

There’s some suggesting that the R0 might be over 3. Given there were essentially no efforts to contain it up to early March in most countries, the numbers infected could be massive.

Is it time for regime change in China?

If we get accurate rapid tests, those might be a way to screen incoming passengers


Leo, Leo, Leo

Simon, Simon, Simon

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That’s what you think!!

Closed for 2 weeks :open_mouth:


Turkey lurking on the rails, like a Grand National winner five fences out.

Unpaid leave ?

Paid in full.


Czech republic and face masks

Anything in it @Mac

You might send me on the micro soft word when you get a chance :joy:

Had a long chat (over text) with my mate last night who’s wife is head of infectious diseases at a local major hospital. He said she said the reason so many doctors and nurses are getting infected is because during the intubation procedure when the ventilator tube is being inserted, an aerosol is generated. Everyone performing the procedure or nearby should be wearing a hazmat suit if they want to avoid infection. Then there’s the issue of removing the hazmat suit, or any PPE for that matter, and the risk of infection there as well. Her summary was this is droplet based for the general public, but aerosol based for a lot of health care workers.


As in live spores (or whatever the word is) are released in that process?

I’m not following this thread mate so you’ll have to explain this to me

So lynx Africa is to blame. We’re through the looking glass.

A spray with the virus contained, very small droplets essentially. The equivalent I suppose of someone infected sneezing into your face.

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The reason for America’s high number of cases has now become apparent - it’s due to them getting their cream and cheese from a can.

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I went out there to pick up a click and collect in Tesco Clare Hall. Next to nobody out and about.