Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

They were in the news article I was reading

Aussie ones can be sourced at link below. Is there anything on the John Hopkins website for Ireland?

Last night I dreamt that I was in an ICU, gripped by a horrendous fever and convinced that I was being overrun by pangolins. Horrible wee bastards with their cold dead eyes, slimy scales and poorly maintained teeth.
A colony of bats would have been a gift in comparison.


They’re from the FT, the journalist puts them on Twitter daily also.

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Well I can only speak for Lux and some other parts of the mainland I’ve been to but from what I’ve gathered over the years is that continentals tend to wash their hands before going more than after which is sensible given the amount of potential filth that goes through a persons hands every day.
Pee is sterile, isn’t it? So unless you’re carrying a downstairs dose of something, washing your hands after the fact is only to get the ming off them.

I see there is some doubt over how accurate the Japanese figures were over the past 2 weeks or so.

There has been a spike in confirmed cases since it was confirmed that the Olympics were being postponed for another year.

Probably accurate, testing likely politely asked to proceed at a snails pace until a decision was made.

Already gone into here yesterday.

Fucking @Bisto and @tazdedub at it again

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Serious sweep sweeping going on here.

I believe you @Locke

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Any day now.

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnny day.


Border Poll?

Crikey. They would explain the death tallies so.

Can Wayne Rooney’s whereabouts be confirmed?

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Spanish health officials say the number of deaths has risen to 7,340 from 6,528, with the number of cases rising to 85,195 which is up from 78,797 yesterday

Anywhere within 2 kilometres of your principal private residence, pal.


How do you get colleges and schools back up and running next September? Can you have reduced attendances? half on campus - half at home? How does integration work in these places if we’re still not out of the woods?

What constitutes a cluster?