Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

And schools wont be returning until next September by the by cc @TreatyStones @Appendage

Where did you see this?

At least 2 cases.

Average cluster is 5 I think.

PM sent

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This is going to be a serious Scandal in the months & years ahead. The most vulnerable in our society getting piss poor protection.

Fire it on there

That’s handier for people not driving

Four travel-related clusters and one ‘Other’ in the Mid-West. Top, top isolatin’.

Only one cluster from a pub in the whole country?

You’d want your head examined to have left a loved one in a nursing home.

Really calls into question the shutdown of the pubs. Sure you’re more likely to catch it from “Other”.

In fairness the pubs have been shut or shamed since very near the start of the outbreak here.

Did everyone go to nursing homes on the piss?

How the fuck have they more clusters than hospitals?

Pubs are closed two weeks now. Schools closed over two weeks. Assuming a 14 day incubation period and say a 5 day test lag we should see some benefits this week in numbers

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Yes but no. You’re right but you cant put stock in testing numbers as it’s a shambles. But you’re right too.

Probably hospitals are better geared for it and are actually less vulnerable people since you’ll have a mix of young and old. Once it hits a nursing home at all it’ll spread but more importantly, present itself like wildfire. I’d imagine few people in a nursing home would have “mild” symptoms that go unreported.

Things in general have been incredibly quiet for a week. We need to start seeing some benefits from this

This graph seems to be right so far image

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I wonder could they smuggle in a garuth brooks concert whilst they’re at it.