Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

We’ve taken the most encouraging mirror vear to the right ice ever seen

A Liveline Funny Friday now could kill off 3% of Ireland’s over 80s.

50% of latest confirmed cases were community - we’ve a rough 2-4 weeks ahead and hopefully it all begins to flatten then.

Our biggest problem will be how we deal with travel in and out of the country once we begin to flatten it — I dont know if @Batigol is spoofing (I hope he is), but there still seems to be people travelling to the country on holidays.

That’s a week old. Have you an updated one?

I never spoof mate. There are still, as of yesterday anyway, holiday makers coming in to Ireland. Also we got a heap (well, 4) Brazilians coming over to study in closed English colleges and work in closed McDonald’s. A complete nightmare but sure, so long as you pay Aer Lingus, they’ll land you anywhere

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Flights still landing here from all over the world - pissing agin the wind as the man says.

Aren’t the hotels all closed? Are they staying in nursing homes or what?


Pre arranged AirBnB I suppose. …

The people that needed cocooning were the people working in the old folks homes.


88 in ICUs today with C’19

It’s a nightmare. We could technically have refused them, but as there’s so few flights going back, it would have meant sending them to prison for a few days. Two of them had family here so I contacted them to make sure they were ok to take them.

It’s completely wrong that they ended up here in the first place. I’m banging this drum a lot but, for whatever reason, Aer Lingus seem to be insulted from the criticism that Ryanair would get in similar circumstances. They (AL) have been nothing short of a disgrace since this thing began.

They look to have a full Dublin London schedule next Monday?

You really asking that question?

And that was cheltenham travel related

They should be told to fucking ground by the government

Yesterday they had flights coming in from all over. No one in the airport will say boo to them. Their attitude to security, document checks, fraud etc is a disgrace at the best of times, but even by their standards, their performance lately has been shocking

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An Italian girl in our place got home here last week - dont ask me how she got out of Italy (North) but she flew in from Germany.

This nursing home thing is adding to my suspicion that way more people have it than we think.
The chances of such a high incidence of cases randomly turning up in Nursing homes seems miniscule.
It’s just that those in Nursing homes are obviously extremely vulnerable and thus more likely to become symptomatic.

They need to really step it up in terms of protecting Nursing homes. I don’t know what the answer is, but they seem to doing the exact opposite of their purpose, i.e. protecting the vulnerable. Ideally I think the staff would live on site and isolate themselves from the rest of the World as well. But I guess that isn’t practical really. Not long term anyway.

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Correct we’ve been in lock down for two weeks now. If it took from December to feb/March to spread it from China to the rest of the world it should really be completely ground to a halt by any little bit of effort.