Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

The answer is staff living on site until the crisis eases. Many who have a family member working in the sector probably wouldn’t agree with that idea but that’s the only answer.

Obviously hygiene standards are lax and staff are carrying the virus into the homes.
Families of nursing home occupants aren’t allowed visit so any other reason bandied about is horseshit.

It isn’t really imo. It’s far more likely the virus is everywhere and has been for a while now. If a 1000 people between the ages of 25 and 45 get the flu how many die? If 1000 thousand nursing home occupants get it the death rate is much higher I’d imagine. Nursing homes had visiting restrictions before we went into lock down too and i severely doubt the hygiene of the nurses is an issue or it would be an issue in hospitals too.

90% of people are still testing negative though, so either they’ve had it and its passed so test negative or it simply isn’t very widespread

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What are you trying to say?

We need those antibody tests asap.


We haven’t the capacity to deal with swab tests at the moment unfortunately

That nearly everyone in the country has already gotten it. It just didn’t effect many people.

Very soon they’ll become more important than the other test as we are now in full lock down.

When did nursing homes close to visitors, and was it a nationwide directive or decided by management on a case by case basis?

Varadkar’s speech in Washington was on Thursday 12th and schools, crèches etc closed that evening. Were nursing homes included in that?

There had been press reports earlier that week containing Department of Health guidance that nursing homes didn’t need to ban visitors.

While it would be ideal if we could do them. The UK doing them would be a start as we aren’t far off them. It’s give us an idea of whether it’s worth us finding out anyway

Quit making stuff up.

No technically about it. You’d be well within the scope of your powers to deny landing.

I see what you mean about the flights

Mad that the airport is open for passenger flights

Super Tony told the nursing homes to cop onto themselves that there was no need for them to close

They are running these flights so they don’t have to refund anyone is it?

There seems to be huge variance between countries in the death rate, testing patterns, cases etc. I don’t know could you build a strategy based out of reports from anywhere else.

Germany were getting the same and testing the bollix off everyone

Huh? It makes sense lad If you think about it.

Well if you found out that say 30% of the UK was infected. You could at least say, right it’s worthwhile us checking ourselves and seeing what the story is here. If they found no major difference it wouldn’t be worth wasting the lab time and energy.

Italy are including deaths of people who test positive but aren’t effected by the virus in their deaths apparently. I’m not sure other countries are doing that.

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You’ve it arseways I think. They aren’t including deaths from care homes because they haven’t been tested

They cant get people from care homes to hospitals so are trying to treat them in situ. Fucking horrible

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