Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

India only has 1,071 confirmed cases and 29 deaths, in a population of 1.34 billion. Other than the quinine intake hypothesis, does anyone have an explanation for this?

I’d say they haven’t tested 34 not to mind 1.34 billion

Well, they’ve tested 1,071 at least.

Did you see the TV pictures there last night. They all squashed together like sardines at the bus station.

They’re running a bit late at the Department of Health :unamused:

What time were they planning on announcing tonight?

Was supposed to start @ 7pm

I’d say them Indians are so riddled the corona virus can hardly find a slot.

They’ve the place bought up over there. They don’t mind paying a bribe

In an anecdotal sense, kinda like the attitude a person with AIDS and leprosy might react to a shaving cut.

295 cases 8 deaths

May they rest in peace

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Average age of the 8 deaths is 86.

How many tested and how many in ICU?

84 admitted to ICU

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Today or overall ?

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Deepest sympathy to all those who have lost their loved ones. While every death is a death to many, we seem to be hovering in or around the same kind of figures every day. Surely this is encouraging.
Hopefully we’ll start to see the effects of the lock down next week