Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

If this lady wants to be taken seriously she needs to change her font.


Not all heroes use Times New Roman


What are the main bullet points from it Tim?

Which one of the Barney curleys are logged in tonight?


To be fair that’s not about money that’s just dopey. They’re throwing out 410 quid a week to any tom dick or harry. Apart from the 15,000 or so that got caught.

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Not true. If you’re a regular doley, you still only get the standard amount

You got that off bookface :smile:

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Fire up a photo of Laura Kate

This is a chart by country showing how many Europeans wash their hands after going to the loo.

I’d imagine Limerick and Galway have dragged our percentage down below the Brits.

The Dutch are surprisingly filthy while the Muslims are putting the Christians to shame with Bosnia and Turkey coming out well on top.

Open the pubs is Trending


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Ah here. Regular doley lads that didn’t get a job before 1 February can lave it so.

There getting what they deserve.

Cc @bandage

Brendan Behan used to say that the definition of an Irish queer is a man who prefers women to drink.

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It’s very long and is American specific but breaks it down into four phases.

  1. slow the spread (ie the current near lockdown in a lot of the US, Ireland’s delay phase)
  2. phased and specific reopening
  3. full lifting of restrictions after population immunity is secured
  4. prevention measures for another event

To move from 1 to 2 they have a number of steps they want the US states to get to. Most of them are similar and to scale of what we are doing including tooling up hospitals, more PPE, having a robust contact tracing system in place, more weekly tests (750k per week in the US) and more rapid ones & crucially 14 days of declining cases. They’ve a number of other things in there to encourage the curve being flattened, including citizens wearing face masks.

With the curve is flattened and combined with improved infrastructure, you can move to phased reopenings of most businesses and schools. Restrictions to remain in place would be gatherings of 50 or more banned and also over 60s told to continue to limit social interactions. Localised shut downs can be put in place quickly if required. Phase II is really what public health officials wanted at the delay phase in my opinion, but the Italian situation made this impossible.

Phase III is a lot trickier.

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I didn’t.

It’s fake, bro.

What’s that got to do with anythng?

@Malarkey will hate this.
