Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Phase II, in my view is just as tricky.

When things are opened up - and potentially a new wave of deaths occur - social media and the hysteria that goes with it etc will point the finger at Trump or Leo here for being reckless.

Are they going to risk that politically? Both have climbed approval ratings etc now with their lockdowns.

I’ve just had someone who’s on facebook confirm the account and post is real @carryharry

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All annual leave in UHL has been cancelled for the next 8 weeks

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Phase II will be tricky but is required at some stage. Politicians will have to be brave.


Why don’t you just keep posting from the @myboyblue account instead of switching over?

Surely you of all people would know the issues with doing that :smile:


Hmm…I hope you’re right.

The risk of political catastrophe for some of them could slow any re-opening significantly.

Talk of euro bonds etc is grand too - till we see them on our pay slips alongside the USC.

How so?

Yeah @Perez2017, you punk ass bitch

Ooooft, you showed me pal.


Y’know like when you reply from the wrong account

Places like Italy will probably move there before us anyway so there will be political cover.

You can’t suspend children’s educations and the economy indefinitely.


Limerick, the mid west in general, isnt as badly hit as other regions. They expect cases from harder hit areas to be brought to limerick to be cared for.

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No? The dopey bastard had a load of posts on his Perez account the other morning and then went to the trouble of deleting them and replacing them on his myboyblue account.

100% agree.

Not sure Italy have the political balls to go first either though when the time comes.

It’s going to be very tricky unless its timed together globally.

Got to admire that level of commitment

:clap: @myboyblue

He usually switch’s back over around now so I’m sure he’ll be along shortly.

I’m nothing if not thorough.

It’s hardly a surprise the virus is avoiding Limerick like the plague.