Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Does she think she is auditioning for a job doing the closing credits for The Simpsons?

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Is he not just suggesting that if we actually tested people like the Germans are doing we’d be on the black line? @Copper_pipe

Just re Italy, the below is interesting.

Cc @Tim_Riggins @Thomas_Brady @anon60384913

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If these numbers start to go down, and hopefully they do, it’s going to be so tough for the decision makers. There will be a serious clamour for businesses, schools etc to reopen. How that is managed will be key.

It’s an awful thing to say but deaths may have to be weighed against the economy

All we’re doing now is buying time to give health services a chance and fighting like fuck for a treatment or vaccination. We have a very short window to do this, lockdown can’t go on indefinitely.

How the Uk and America will play a huge part too imo. Likewise how a second wave effects likes of China and Singapore.

8 weeks is my guess.


Absolute maximum. It will start getting edgy after 4

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Yup. And it will be September before anything resembling normality returns to the country. You can kiss the year goodbye

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We’re looking at 6 months mate. You need to start doing a bit more research than here.

6 month.

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We’re looking at some form of restrictions, for possibly longer than 6 months.

Restrictions will be incrementally lifted as they were incrementally applied.

You need to research something other than flu comparisons

400 unread posts. Hit me lads, how are we looking??



Not dead yet

Not too bad at the moment, mate. 8 deaths today. Some of the lads here are absolutely losing the run of themselves but no different to usual.


11% new cases today

Normality, yes. We can’t cage people up forever though. It will be phased back.

And there will be movements on diagnostics and treatments.