Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

…and thinks nobody should be vaccinated.

the lad in tipp with a beer belly, never worked a day in his life, typical shinner


A joke being honest.

There’s plenty of other threads for this shite.

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He’s wan a these Facebook heroes the Tipp lad.

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We will have our salads :joy: :joy:

I used to live around the corner from it the time of that boycott. Those bouncers were the most vile cunts imaginable. A few weeks before the boycott they broke a friend of mines jaw. He was only a week off the plane.

lets remind ourselves of what we are up against

And the blueshirt quarter wit that thought the IRA carried out the Dublin and Monaghan bombings.


The Don has this thing nearly cracked.

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Pearse Doherty thinks nobody should be vaccinated?

For anything?


Any chance you might back that up?


The first question (if there are any, which there probably won’t be) at his racist political rally today should be to ask him to pronounce Hydroxychloquine and Azithromycin.

The Shamen were able to move any mountain but Trump seems to be looking for a shaman to solve all this. Shameful.

Brian Lenihan sucked garlic when he went to David McWillliams’ house, maybe he was thinking of how to solve the next crisis, not the last one?

Well obviously if you take them together. I knew that

It’s encouraging to see Trump reads TFK.

She’s one for the wank bank anyway. It’s that dumb confidence in addition to the lithe, tanned, porn star-esque body, and porn star-esque movements.

He’s on about this lady, she went into quarantine way before corona hit and isn’t allowed talk to anyone since

All parties have eejits.

He’d want his head examined not to.

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The lad at the end will probably be POTUS in 50 years

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