Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

How the fuck can Johnson isolate for just seven days?

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We didnt see mass deaths here before that is my point mate. It must have been on the island since at least January.

Tbf, Iā€™m hoping thats the case anyway rather than the latter.

for the short term future it doesnā€™t really matter when it got here, what matters is the peak, it could be here 2 years for all intents and purposes, itā€™s peaking in the next few weeks and if we let it run itā€™s course, youā€™re looking at Italy replicated. Nobody wants that

I believe a lockdown of 6 months or potentially more would lead to more deaths here. Thats what weā€™re facing and Iā€™m not looking forward to adding another USC line to my payslip for the next 30 years for cunting eurobonds that cost the ECB nothing to print.

genuine question now, what do you think the alternative looks like?

Spanish flu arrived in 1917 and did the damage in winter 1918, thats the awful worry. People thinking this is grand for 6-8 weeks, will change their tune.

I think we absolutely should lockdown until May, but after that, just the elderly and unfortunate people with underlying illnesses should socially isolate.

The alternative isnt viable in my opinion. Political leadership will be required though - and weā€™re struggling for that currently.

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Paddy Cosgrave saying four nurses have now passed away.

ok what do you consider elderly? 7% of the deaths in Italy have been 50-59 year olds

Fire up the source for that mate, and also let me know what your alternative is?

Iā€™d consider the elderly myself and yourselfs parents age.

The whole health service is on pause right now. Do able for a few months without two much damage although still dangerous, but canā€™t continue for much longer youā€™d think without killing as many as youā€™d be saving?

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Iā€™d be interested to know posters opinion on the following scenario:

Letā€™s say for argument weā€™re completely out the other side of this pandemic by the end of the year and life has returned to normal.
We then look at the death rate in the country taking everything into account, Corona virus, cancer, accidents, flu etc. and discover that we have roughly lost as many people as we would have in any other given year.
Will we have done a good job or a bad one in fighting this thing?
I have a specific reason for asking.


Nail on the head, Mike.

So speculation (ftom a doc) now saying high bold pressure, obesity, type 2 diabetes all at risk.

this one shows lower % than the graph I saw earlier and now canā€™t find

my alternative to what pal?

Schools wonā€™t reopen before September. Outside chance of a leaving cert before then

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But shur thatā€™s like saying, if you smoke, youā€™re at risk of getting lung cancer

To a lockdown for the foreseeable mate, for me that canā€™t be sustained longterm.

I have no scientific basis for any of the below.

However, I also suspect it was here before Christmas\shortly after . There was a shit load of folk laid down with what they described as flu, some strong men who usually donā€™t moan about the onset of a bit of man flu. Perhaps it was just the ordinary flu but who really knows. was it here then?


I know it canā€™t. I said as much earlierā€¦ youā€™ve been arguing with me this whole time and I agree with you on the lockdown being unsustainable.

i disagree with you wholeheartedly on this thing being anyway comparable to the flu

there will be need to be an incremental relaxation of the restrictions as the numbers tail off, with the understanding and flexibility that if it spikes again, the lockdowns come back into place. Itā€™s probably the only thing thatā€™s viable

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